Heraty Law is a law firm focusing on entertainment, media/publishing, design, & business law. Secret weapon. We have the best clients of all time.
Sep 5, 2020 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
CA's #AB2257 has been signed, which expands the groups of people that are exempt from being required to be treated as employees under #AB5.
Here's the text of the legislation: leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavC…
exempt frm #AB5 under #AB2257: "Services provided by a freelance writer, translator, editor, copy editor, illustrator, or newspaper cartoonist who works under a written contract that specifies the rate of pay, intellectual property rights, and obligation to pay by a defined time"
Apr 23, 2019 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
This whole thing with The Markup is frustrating because it looks like it was 100% preventable, just a little infrastructure work could have gone a long way here. @JuliaAngwin, as co-founder, would have had a seat on the Board of Directors (and equity, if it were a for-profit).
Non-profits don't have 'owners' but they do have Directors. A non-profit entity is req'd to have Directors (usually at least 3). Directors are elected for a period of time and govern the organization. Directors usually can't be 'fired' as if they were an at-will employee.