ian c rogers Profile picture
CXO, Ledger. $10 in free BTC when you buy a Ledger: https://t.co/9tSgWtsm3Z
Mar 30, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Today, @Ledger announced a new funding round.

Credit to #Ledger’s founders who, 9 years ago, chose a North Star more true today than ever:

A thread… 🪡🧵👇 Self Custody of Digital Value is a revolutionary human invention and today’s cell phones and computers are insufficient to protect that value.
Jan 26, 2023 15 tweets 7 min read
1/ We were heartbroken last night over the attack on @kevinrose's wallet. Not only because we felt Kevin’s pain, but because of what it tells us about the state of security across the whole NFT ecosystem.

We would like to share some thoughts on staying safe in this thread 🧵👇 2/ This thread explains the basics of what blind-signing is, how @Ledger is trying to spread adoption of clear-signing as a more secure solution, and how you can help.

Additionally, it covers how to segregate your “vault” and "mint" wallets to avoid mistakes.
Apr 10, 2022 10 tweets 6 min read
In this episode @punk6529 gives @RaoulGMI an extremely cogent and clear bridge between #BTC #NFTs and the future. 🧵🪡👇 . @punk6529 captures something I’ve been trying in vain to explain: “The market opportunity for selling art and other things online is vastly larger than selling it through a sub-scale retail shop that on average has zero people in it on a Tuesday afternoon.” (aka an Art Gallery)
Dec 5, 2021 23 tweets 6 min read
It’s been raining in Paris for days. Yesterday I saw a clearing in the sky, so I headed out for a run. After ten minutes it started raining again. I thought of Prince at the Super Bowl in 2007: “Can you make it rain harder?” 1/23 “RIGHT ON!” I watch this video often, actually. Prince was the greatest performer alive at that moment, with a long career behind him but superpowers intact and on full blast, giving absolutely everything and daring God to try to stop him. I cry every time. 2/23