Iftekhar Ahmed Profile picture
35 | Islamic Theologian | Imam | Ahmadi Muslim | Researcher @Ahmadiyya_ARC & @ReviewReligions Research Desk | Blogger | https://t.co/VIMF3cjbtV
Feb 23 25 tweets 5 min read
🧵@5Pillarsuk and @DillyHussain88 are spreading a blatant lie about Sayyiduna Khalifatu l-Masih V (aa), claiming he supports Israel's arms industry. This is a disgusting distortion of his words and a prime example of how #misinformation operates online. Let's dismantle it! (1/25) The original question came from a young Ahmadi man working for a US defence company. He was facing a genuine #MoralDilemma: Is it permissible to work for such a company, knowing that some of the weapons might eventually end up in Israel? (2/25)
Apr 27, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
The authenticity of ‘A’isha (ra)’s (d. 58/678) tradition, oft-cited by Ahmadi Muslims, endorsing the use of “Seal of the Prophets” over “There is no Prophet after him [i.e. the Messenger of Allah (sa)]”, is often doubted by non-Ahmadis.
Following is a 🧵 proving its authenticity: Image The 1st objection is that its isnad would be interrupted (munqati‘) since Jarir b. Hazim (d. 170/786), who seems to transmit it from ‘A’isha (ra), did not hear traditions from her.
(Bakr b. ‘Abd Allah Abu Zayd. 1996. Mu‘jam al-manahi al-lafziyya. Riyadh: Dar al-‘Asima. p. 698.) Image
Nov 7, 2021 24 tweets 9 min read
I was contacted regarding this answer given by Ḥuḍūr (aba). A critic said that this was wrong & the Prophet (saw) had said that one would stay in the grave (qabr) or barzakh after death and would go to Paradise/Hell only after the Day of Resurrection (yawm al-qiyāmah). (1/24) He said that according to "all" scholars one would stay in the grave & the destined dweller of Paradise/Hell would have a window to see his place in Paradise/Hell, and that what Ḥuḍūr (aba) had said would be contrary to the sources of Islam, i.e. the Qur’ān and Sunnah. (2/24)
Sep 1, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
#Neutralität#Kopftuch#Kopftuchverbot – Ein #Thread

Jegliche Art von Neutralität ist ein Trugbild. Das Aufzwingen von angeblich neutraler Kleidung ist nichts als verkappte Diskriminierung. Ganz gleich, ob eine Lehrerin mit einem Kopftuch oder von mir aus mit […] (1/10) […] einem Gesichtsschleier zur Schule kommt, oder mit einem Kreuz oder aber mit einem Kapuzenpulli von Nirvana oder von Kopf bis Fuß in feinster Seide gehüllt, sie wird doch immer irgendwelche Aussagen damit machen, bspw. zu ihrem Hintergrund, zu ihrer Schicht oder […] (2/10)