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Making you more insightful about Airdrops & Web3 | Let me help make your airdrops better | Info Asymmetry Maxi | No Gm posts/noise only alpha | @WolvesDAO wolf
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Jun 26 11 tweets 4 min read
The @farcaster_xyz full guide airdrop

Farcaster is like a Web3 Twitter, but you own your content, and developers can create innovative applications on top of it

Raised $180M in funding

If Farcaster will introduce its own token in the future this is how you can position Image Funding

Seed Funding: $30M (July 13, 2022)
Investors: Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), Coinbase Ventures, Multicoin Capital

Series A Funding: $150M (May 21, 2024)

Investors: Paradigm, Union Square Ventures, Haun Ventures Image
May 26 16 tweets 5 min read
If you analyzed 40 different airdrops across ~2.1M wallets before 2023 era what would be the verdict of:

How much of the supply should you airdrop?

Who should be eligible for the airdrop?

Well that's exactly what @6thManVentures did and these are the key takeaways: Image The following 40 past airdrops were analyzed;

Analysis was based on 2 core metrics:

1/ Eligibility Type

categorized as either:

"core users" (engaged directly with the protocol)

"widespread" (general ecosystem users like NFT communities or interacting with similar protocols) Image
Mar 6 9 tweets 3 min read
Here are 5 airdrop alpha threads you'll be glad you realized existed Image One of the most common questions I get from people is I have X amount of $ what do I farm?

@SamuraiTakedown has you covered with his airdrop priority matrix to help you figure out what to do based on your priorities and situation

Feb 4 11 tweets 4 min read
Its easy to miss the high signal posts and get overwhelmed with thousands of tweets being posted every second to the platform

Here are 6 airdrop alpha posts I've complied that you'll thank yourself later for reading Image 1/ How the play to airdrop meta works and what you need to do to win

Feb 1 21 tweets 8 min read
Imagine you could front run the impending @0xMantle Airdrop season and be currently interacting with 5+ tokenless protocols simultaneously

Oh wait you literally can right now ....

How you can position today: Image 1/ Bridge funds to Mantle using @squidrouter (tokenless)

2/ Make sure the first thing you do is mint your Mantle Journey SBT and verify using a twitter account

This is so you can passively get mantle miles = MNT down the line for all interactions you do in the future Image
Jan 29 4 tweets 2 min read
Now available to mint on Zora for no cost is the open edition "The Arzidor Syndicate" NFT on Zora

"The Arzidor Syndicate is an uncontainable monstrosity fueled by its insatiable desire to feed on the naivety, liquidity and attention of new blood within the Web3 space

It likes to lure in its prey with salacious headlines and alluring AI generated thumbnails around the airdrop niche before ravaging any capital it can squeeze out of its unsuspecting victim before quickly deposing of its corpse in search of its next meal"

Open edition, no mint cap per wallet, open for 1 month, 25% of the mint funds/fees

(if there are any not sure how free mints on Zora work for creators)

will go to the wallet that mints the most NFTs

(Zora shows the wallet on the collection mint page)Image Which trait/attribute will you pull with your NFT ?

Will it be "Insatiable Greed"

Discord "hack"

Free airdrop "script"

or maybe you'll pull a rare and get "Airdrop Fusion" or "Dropcoin"

Collection link

If your not already on Zora farming what are you doing ser? Get to it……Image
Jan 12 17 tweets 6 min read
Your feeling the airdrop farming FOMO and you have a limited budget and your not sure what to do

Where do I put my money?

What projects do I focus on

This is your budget airdrop guide to start from nothing Image Unfortunately most of the time it takes money to make money in the web3 space but that doesn't mean there are no opportunities

Since you have more time than money you need to leverage that

Low to zero cost activities that require consistent participation
Dec 22, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Why you are not getting a lot of points on @EkuboProtocol and what you can do about it

points are purely based on fees, you earn more fees when LPing = more points

Most people will default to the ETH/USDC pair but unless you have larger size you'll be making way less points

As I mentioned in this post from 2 weeks ago

The Lords/ETH pool may be a better option due to the higher fees you generate

(from 2 weeks ago)
LORDS/ETH: 5.2k in fees, with 531k in 24hrs volume, and 924k TVL

in comparison top pair ETH/USDC: 1.3k fees, 2.5M 24hr volume, with 2.3M TVL

Since the fees in the top lords pool is 1%-2% instead of 0.05% to 0.1% in the ETH/USDC pool = Your earning a lot more in fees


wallet1 went from around 30k points to 134k points in 10 days with ~$1k in LP

rank went from outside top 1000 to around #150

wallet 2 went from around around 15k points to 56k points in 10 days with ~$500 in LP

rank went from outside top 1000 to around #380

Fees generated was around $40+ net positive after gas fees and lords token going down a bit

goal is to stay within top 500-1000 because you dont show up on the leaderboard at all once your pushed out of the top 1000

Its also important to set you range pretty narrow I like to do 10-15% above and below the current price, you can adjust range by changing sliders on bar chart graph as seen in image

Will be rotating funds to more wallets in the same cluster to diversify because imo having 5 wallets in the top 50% is better than 1-2 wallets in the top 10-20%

Obviously for reply guys like on last post there volatility/impermanent loss (IL) risk with LPing Lords token if it turbo dumps 50%+ your gonna be -EV obviously

But token has been pretty steady past couple weeks, accept and know the risks and act accordingly

Use my ref link pls sers ty, remove the space (didnt even know ekubo has ref links until today lmao)


Will be posting content like this in upcoming free newsletter relaunch Insightful Insiders (see linktee link in bio)Image Apparently ref link isn't working will fix soon
Dec 18, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
Tired of your government "protecting" you from financial freedom?

Increasing KYC restrictions are unlikely to stop anytime soon

What if there was an alternative that is also KYC compliant?

its time to learn how to become a digital resident of Palau Image The republic of Palau is an island countries consisting of roughly 340 islands covering 466 square KM with a population of around 18k making it one of the smallest countries in the world

Palau is independent and has adopted a digital ID residence program

Dec 14, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
5 reasons why you'll become a @Rabby_io wallet maxi

5 minutes after you use it for the first time you will never go back to @MetaMask (MM) again Image 1/ Instant wallet balances on all chains

This saves you lots of time wondering what wallet has gas on what wallet networks
Nov 12, 2023 33 tweets 10 min read
Those who fail to learn the art of airdrop multi accounting are voluntarily giving a larger slice of the pie to those that master it

Questions around IP addresses, sybil filtering, worries around getting falsely marked are still the most asked questions I get

Full guide: Image what is a sybil?

Sybil actually comes from the name of a book in the 1970's about a lady with multiple personality disorder who developed 16 different personalities due to child abuse

In the context of crypto a sybil is a single person/entity posing as multiple accounts/wallets Image
Nov 8, 2023 26 tweets 9 min read
How to win on @DeBankDeFi

How to obtain all of the most difficult badges

How to make money contributing

While simultaneously positioning yourself for a potential airdrop

I made a fresh account to learn how the system works

Sorry no engagement farming here

Only alpha Image Quick Overview

Why Debank ? Am I gonna get farmed like I did with sei, sui, shardeum ect ?

In short

• 25M funding

• Actually a good product that people organically use (see balances and defi positions across 40+ chains)

• Rabby wallet makes @MetaMask look like an old meme
Jun 30, 2023 26 tweets 8 min read
Most of you wont read this

Layer Zero Maxi @CC2Ventures allegedly crafted an L0 guide sheet too powerful for twitter

The compromise was to post a public wallet

Those willing to transcribe the txns = alpha

So thats what I did

How to craft a high-quality custom $ZRO route🧵 The easiest way to craft a route is to categorize the different types of L0 interactions

Then take various parts from each category and string them together

1/ @StargateFinance interactions

includes staking STG, snapshot voting, providing liquidity, using native bridge
Mar 8, 2023 50 tweets 27 min read
The Great Reset of Web3 gaming is among us

Recently research chads @Delphi_Digital and @naavik_co published their 2023 report on web3 gaming

Reflecting on the past failures, current improvements, and future predictions

Summary of key themes from the 71 page report🧵 Contents:

Overview of the past P2E era

State of Funding Environment

Current State of Web3 Games

Land Based Virtual Worlds

Gaming Guilds

Web3 Gaming Infrastructure

Platform Rules and Regulations

Regulatory Complications

Sustainable Models ?

Things to watch for 2023
Dec 28, 2022 17 tweets 9 min read
Etherscan is the well of truth for all of the alpha on ETH

Most people just don't know where to look or how to use it

Understanding etherscan provides you the potential to discover life-changing alpha in real-time

How you can easily master the best of etherscan 🧵 We'll go over

1/ wallet tracking
2/ investigating wallets
3/ finding top holders/whales
4/ txn filtering
5/ gas tracker
6/ smart contract search
7/ etherscan code viewer
8/ reading, writing, and minting from contract
9/ report and flag addresses
10/ ETH charts and stats
Dec 9, 2022 32 tweets 10 min read
The quality of Web3 games and projects can be difficult to gauge

Developing or using a framework allows you to easily evaluate projects faster saving you time and money

Here are 8 research pillars you can use to make researching Web3 projects and games easier 🧵 Image Well go over 8 categories

1/ Team
2/ Core Gameplay Loop
3/ Tokenomics
4/ Niche/Originality
5/ Reach/Scope
6/ Progress/Development
7/ Runway/Funding
8/ Is the product good, would you use it?

Score them 1-10 as you go through them

Be brutally honest and objective

Avoid bag bias
Nov 28, 2022 19 tweets 11 min read
Many of the best Web3 tools are FREE

Combine them together to forge your infinity gauntlet of alpha

Here are 5 pairs of free tools you can use to make and save more money

A thread🧵 RT for others Image @DeFiSaver + MM advanced gas settings

Defisaver lets you view the cost of gas in real time

MM has advanced gas settings that let you manually edit your gas price and preset certain gas settings

If gas is currently high and you want to move a nft edit gas to a lower gwei & wait Image
Nov 24, 2022 9 tweets 7 min read
Your wallet and IP address info are now actively being collected by metamsk when you send transactions

Consensys which own infura & metamsk updated their privacy policy recently

How you can easily create an alternative and protect your data for free while still using metamsk🧵 The amount of info collected by MM is alarming

Infura is the default RPC set up by MM, the RPC is what allows MM to talk and interact with the blockchain

thankfully we can use alchemy to set up our own RPC for free that we can use within MM when creating a custom network
Nov 24, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
As long as arbi team doesnt rug us people forget that the last week of arbi odyssey is battlefly

youll likely need a battlefly to do that weekly quest for the nft

currently 0.2% listed out of 30k supply

for comparison just the free week 1 nft has a 400k supply and has 10x All the nft does is get you some discord roles ATM and is 1/8 of the odyssey event, went from 0.002 - 0.014

When odyssey gets restarted

And all the threadooors, engagement farmers are doing their $arbi guides

Telling them they need the nft

What do you think will happen?
Nov 22, 2022 7 tweets 5 min read
You thought the $OP airdrop already happened?

What if I told you there is still 14% left to be allocated for future incentives/#airdrop

Complete Step-By-Step guide (sort of) on the #Optimism quests to be eligible for potential future rewards

A thread 🧵 Image Go to…

@optimismFND recently published a quest providing a free NFT for each protocol you interact with and meet the requirements

The details of the exact requirements are within each quest

Once you think your finished wait a few minutes and click verify Image
Nov 21, 2022 26 tweets 9 min read
Scammers will abuse your understanding of token approvals to try and steal EVERYTHING

Its one of the most important concepts to understand in crypto

Yet one of the most overlooked due to its bland nature

Ultimate guide on token approvals to keep your assets safe

A thread 🧵 Image Our breakdown of token approvals will consist of:

-What are token approvals

-How do they work, why are they important

-Unlimited vs Custom limit approvals

-setApprovalForAll for NFTs

-How to revoke approvals

-Signatures vs approvals

-How to never get drained again