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Information Theory of Everything
Sep 26, 2024 25 tweets 4 min read
In this thread, we will forever deprive you of the delight of the mind-blowing mystical double-slit experiment that has given rise to an ongoing epic battle between indeterministic Copenhagen, many-worlds Everett, and a number of other respected comrades.
1 ↘ Image Two observers, unaware of each other's presence, conduct the same double-slit experiment. Alice tracks the passage of particles through the slits, Bob does not. Alice sees projections of the slits on the screen. What does Bob see: an interference pattern or also projections?
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Sep 10, 2024 31 tweets 6 min read
It's been a while since we shared a brilliant truth with doomed humanity, which will no longer need it. This time we will reveal the semantics of the concepts of the fundamental properties of matter.
1 ⇛ Image Of course, it would like to give definitions of the fundamental properties of matter in the strict form of combinations of the basic concepts of “the same” and “the other”, according to the rules described in this fundamental thread:
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Dec 2, 2023 24 tweets 4 min read
There is probably someone who understands this, and even, probably, one of the thought leaders. Perhaps one of them even expressed this. Sorry, I'm not following. Those who know what InfToE is understand why it is generally uninteresting.⮯ Image But, why not speak out when you are amused by people’s misunderstanding of the simple things. Judging by the fact that this is not widely discussed and therefore did not catch eye in the feed, even if one of the leaders spoke out, it did not penetrate the mass consciousness.⮯
Mar 7, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
Go to twitter and you will see tweets from people who perceive the universe as an object. This inability to overcome the banal everyday worldview in oneself is especially striking when it manifests itself in quite respectable scientists (in all; others simply do not occur).
1 ➫ Yes, every day we drink a cup of coffee, hug a loved one, leave the house, look at the sky, get into a car… Everything around us is limited by its form and has its own physical content.
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Feb 19, 2023 79 tweets 18 min read
Well, fair warning: this thread will blow your mind. It's time to do it. All enthusiastic cries have been heard, all the required Nobel Prizes have been received, now we can safely sit down and figure out:
*** whether gravitational waves exist ***
1 ☛ Yes, yes, I know. The theory of waves has been worked out for a long time and perfectly, all the required mathematics is known and obvious, gravitational waves absolutely correspond to it, all the great predictions have come true exactly, what else is there to talk about.
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Jan 10, 2022 31 tweets 7 min read
Earlier, we described in detail why the history of mankind ends, and determined when and how this will happen:
1 ᐅ In short:
a) The history of mankind ends, because humanity, whatever it thinks about itself, is just an intermediate stage in the evolution of the universe, and the function of this stage is close to being fulfilled.
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Oct 15, 2021 85 tweets 19 min read
The idea for this thread came at the end of September-2021 after the Twitter AI for a couple of days in a row showed in trends an interview with Mo Gawdat @MGawdat about the release of his book Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence #scarysmart.
1 ↷ The author, wise with experience of working with #AI, gave an interview to The Times @thetimes represented by Hugo Rifkind @hugorifkind.
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Sep 27, 2021 45 tweets 9 min read
In this thread, we will finally answer the meaningless question that has been tormenting cohorts of thinkers and dreamers for centuries, and which surprisingly finds people willing to ask it (and even answer it) among seemingly quite respectable researchers.
1 ➟ So, are there other universes?

This is a very funny question.

First, it is a classic antinomy, no less dead-end than the famous "I lie." If something has multiple instances, then don't call it a universe.
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Aug 17, 2021 50 tweets 9 min read
In the thread, we found out what time is and what space is in the information universe. These are two types of differences between the observed beings in the information structure of the universe: causal and non-causal.
1 ⇝ But if with time everything is more or less clear, it is one-dimensional and unidirectional, since it is determined by the causal relationships, then some understatement remains by the nature of space.
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Aug 11, 2021 62 tweets 12 min read
In the thread we have substantiated the fine-tuned universe. And since the InfToE allows to solve such problems (this is exactly what the ToE should do), let's apply it to more fundamental, and therefore interesting tasks.
1 ↣ Let's figure out what time is and what space is.
In modern physics, since it does not have the prospect of sufficiently deep penetration into the foundation of the universe, this task is simply not relevant.
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Jul 27, 2021 63 tweets 12 min read
Another topic that confuses physicists no less than the heat death of the universe (which we discussed in is the fine tuning of the universe, and inexorably following it (no matter how hard try to come up with alternatives) the anthropic principle.
1 ⇒ This confusion is much stronger, because on the other side of the barricade there looms not soulless thermodynamics, which, after all, is still physics, but a much more alien enemy - someone's intelligent design.
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Jul 22, 2021 64 tweets 11 min read
The idea of this thread is dictated by a curious situation, however, quite typical for science which has reached an impasse, from which it can no longer get out. Having lost the path of knowledge, physics goes forward at random, not knowing what it is looking for.
1 ↝ A typical example of such a model of cognition "we do not know what we are looking for, so when we find it, then we will decide whether it is it or not" – the search for dark matter.
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Jul 21, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
👇 (thread of threads) The universe is only information and nothing else
(19 Jan 20, 10 tweets, 2 min read)…
Jul 15, 2021 70 tweets 15 min read
The idea for this thread came from this short dialogue with @Elisabe09456260 in the thread about @elonmusk's attempt to save humanity:
Colleague expresses the opinion that increasing entropy will eventually eliminate everything in the universe.
1 ᐅ This is a very interesting opinion indeed.
And first of all, it is interesting in attitude to this problem in modern physics. Modern physics is little shy about this topic.
Because it is very inconvenient not to have a clear answer to a such simple question.
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Jun 8, 2021 144 tweets 29 min read
Some (few) people are wondering: why is Elon Musk @elonmusk going to send a million people to Mars in the next 40 years, and why is preparing for this with such energy, which (if to leave aside the charm of achievements of this very extraordinary person) is more like a rush?
1> Image @elonmusk We visited the Moon half a century ago and since then have done quite well without far space flights. Is it possible that such a waste of funds and efforts is simply explained by the fact that one enthusiast was carried away by the idea of giving humanity a multi-planetary?
2> Image
Mar 1, 2021 40 tweets 12 min read
Why does quantum gravity (and, accordingly, graviton) not exist, and all theories professing this idea are fictitious? Because the nature of the gravitational interaction, with all the kinship with the other three (quantized), is still somewhat different.
1/39 Image Like everything in the information universe, fundamental interactions are the derivatives of the metric of the universe. It is it that determines their number - four - and the basic features of each of them.
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Aug 11, 2020 20 tweets 4 min read
1/19 The compression/static/expansion trilemma is meaningless. It comes from the naive worldly idea of the universe as a certain volume of matter existing in space and time. This idea (the same turtle and three whales) brought cosmology even to such funny absurdity: ImageImageImageImage 2/19 To understand what the universe is, first need to clear yourself of the jumble of absurdities that the BBT has turned cosmology into. Take any theory, and if it has in anamnesis the Doppler interpretation of redshift - forget it, this theory is wrong.
Aug 8, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Since the universe is unknowable to the individual, believing is an integral part of consciousness. This applies to scientific consciousness in full.
But scientific belief should not contradict physics. Image Belief in aliens is no different from religion: it is just as unscientific, because it contradicts the special theory of relativity. Image
Jul 16, 2020 15 tweets 4 min read
1. Why does the universe exists as we observe it, that is, progressing from simple states to more and more complex ones?
This thread complements the answer to the question about the cause of the universe existing given in the earlier thread. Image 2. The idea for this new thread came in a dream. The brain, accustomed to everyday perception of reality, is not satisfied with a strictly formal answer, and, without asking the owner's opinion, seeks more worldly arguments for the same conceptual basis. Image
Jan 22, 2020 19 tweets 5 min read
1. The idea of ​​this thread is inspired by a fun model of the universe running away over the horizon, discussed by @StartsWithABang.

This thread answers the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. And this is not 42. 2. If we are talking about the universe, then the only question that makes sense is: why does the universe exist. All other questions (i.e. how it exists) are consequences of it. If your cosmology does not answer this question, it is not cosmology.
Jan 19, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
1. Take either being in the universe. It consists of a simpler partial beings and information on how they are related. Take either partial being and consider it: the same. Perform these iterations to the end, and look back: the whole universe is only information and nothing more. 2. So, the universe is only information, and nothing else. What semantics does the simplest element (bit) of this information have?
Of course:
• "the same" (let's designate it "S")
• "the other" ("O")