Inzamam Rashid Profile picture
Correspondent @skynews; Usually talk in English, sometimes in Urdu.
LittleGravitas 🇪🇺 🇪🇸 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 🇵🇸 #FBPE Profile picture Charing x Steve Profile picture 3 subscribed
Nov 19, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
EXCLUSIVE: 2 ex-employees of @rbhousing tell us of ‘toxic & bullying culture’ within the housing association. Also how ‘more people could die’ if it’s not shut down.

They speak of how the culture within the organisation has a huge impact on the thousands of tenants it serves. One ex-employee who was there for 6 years - agrees with Awaab’s family that they were racially discriminated by RBH.

“In my view, it’s a racist organisation. It’s sad to say, but it is.”

RBH say they’re not racist but accept that assumptions were wrongly made in Awaab’s case.
Feb 1, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
I turn 26 today and after a nightmare month, I can safely say my family and I are the lucky ones.

I tested positive for COVID-19 on 28th Dec, as did my father and mother. What was to come over the next 2 weeks is something I could never wish on my worst enemy. After a couple of days of dizziness and headaches, it became so clear that Coronavirus is no normal flu. I’m adamant I’ve already had it, but this time it was like a big red bus had hit me and then reversed and hit me again and not stop for 14 days.
Oct 10, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: Had this stark fact sent to me by our Data Editor @IslaGlaister, from latest @PHE_uk figures:

“Weekly infection rate among Pakistani group is 2.5 times higher than white at 254.2 cases per 100,000 people – the highest of any ethnic group.”

What COULD be the factors? Well whilst Covid cases continue to rise nationally, rates are highest in North West and Yorkshire - where there is a huge Pakistani population.
But why are they being infected disproportionately?
Jun 13, 2020 12 tweets 7 min read
REVEALED: “Stakeholders expresssd deep dismay, anger, loss, and fear in BAME communities”

More about what’s in the unpublished PHE review into the impact of #COVID19 on BAME people, which was allegedly “held back” by government. After engagement with 4,000 people. @SkyNews This doc was handed to government 2 weeks ago. Stakeholder engagement includes:
🔴 Long-standing inequalities exacerbates by #COVID19
🔴 Increased risk of exposure
🔴 Increased risk of complications and death
🔴 Racism, discrimination, stigma, fear and trust
🔴 Moving forward
Jun 11, 2020 11 tweets 4 min read
EXCLUSIVE: I’ve seen a 69 page doc which was “held back” by the government which includes recommendations on how to protect BAME people from #COVID19. This was sent by @PHE_uk to the government with 7 recommendations after hours of stakeholder engagement. @SkyNews
Here they are: 1. “Ethnicity data collection and recording as part of routine collection systems. Including at death certification.” This will help “mitigate the impact of #COVID19 on BAME communities.”
Jun 5, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: I understand that the government has hold of a second part of the review published by @PHE_uk on Tuesday looking into the effects on BAME people from #COVID19 - this part of the review contains recommendations on how to protect this community. @SkyNews I understand that a "qualitative assessment" with 4,000 submissions from stakeholders and organisations includes information about "structural racism" and "social inequality". Not sure how long ministers have had this for but suggest they're "holding it back".
Jun 1, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: Whitehall sources tell me @PHE_uk review into BAME ppl disproportionately being affected by #COVID19 is delayed for 2nd time because No 10 is “worried about current global events”. They say it’s in “too close proximity” to the #BlackLivesMatterUK protests. More @SkyNews Sources go on to tel me it would be “bad taste” if they published the report now. And that government won’t be able to release a report without “concrete and solid next steps.” @SkyNews
May 17, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Over 5 weeks ago, the man who is tasked with leading @PHE_uk review into why BAME people have been disproportionately affected by #COVID19 tweeted about the issue. STILL, we have no answers from him, PHE or government. The only constant is, people are dying. For 6 weeks - we have been reporting on this issue:
First we explained why this could be the case. And asked the government what are they going to do about it?