Jamie Maguire | MVP in AI Profile picture
Software Architect. Microsoft MVP (AI). Technical Author. Built https://t.co/FAVZ9MaRGb | https://t.co/gFiR5IooMG | https://t.co/SeiRg8NkLw. Tweets about AI, code, and SaaS.
Oct 10, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read
20 Things I've Learned In 20 Years as a Developer.

1. Learning never ends.

This is both a curse and a blessing. I still love tech and get excited but I have days when I just want something to work without endless configuration or obscure configuration. 2. Everything is cyclical

Do it on the client.
Do it on the server.
Do it on the client.
Do it on the server.

Do whatever is best for the project, team and customers.
Apr 20, 2021 14 tweets 6 min read
Do you have a blog?

Drop it down below and let's raise awareness of all the great blogs out there. Community!

This has me thinking. There's loads of great content which can be hard to find or manage. I can extract the tweets in this thread then use AI to curate a single resource with key points about each blog.

So many great resources here. Keep them coming!
Aug 5, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Some extracts from a new eBook I've been working on.

It shows you how to build an ASP.NET Core Web App that connects to Instagram with a custom API written in C#.

Artificial Intelligence is then used to display text and image insights. A list of images and related insights:
Jun 16, 2020 17 tweets 6 min read
Are you a developer or digital marketer looking for a quick way to connect to the @TwitterDev Labs APIs?

I've built a NuGet Package with coverage for all Endpoints:

- Filtered Stream
- Hide Replies
- Metrics
- Recent Search
- Sampled Stream
- Tweets & Users

#developers Here you can see the APIs in use in a web application.

A Campaign has been setup to track tweets that mention "iphone" that are written in English.

This section contains an overview of the Campaign data such as Tweets with the most:

- Likes
- Comments
- Retweets
Jun 13, 2020 21 tweets 6 min read

"Coding for newbies" was so close to becoming one of my next community-driven blog posts so I'm creating a mega-thread on the topic. It can seem overwhelming getting into coding.

-Where should you start?
-Which language should you pick?
-Do I need a degree?
-Do I need to be a maths genius?
-Too old? Too young?
-Do I need to attend a bootcamp?

These are some questions you might be asking yourself.
May 19, 2020 46 tweets 15 min read
With #MSBuild2020 due to kick off in the next few hours, I've collected a bunch of cool announcements in the AI and chatbot space for the community.

Loads of cool new stuff being built by the @msbotframework Team.

(mega-thread) Some of the main areas that have received updates:

- Bot Framework Composer is now GA
- Bot Framework SDK v4.9
- Azure Bot Service
- Virtual Assistant 1.0 now generally available
- Speech, Language Understanding & QnA Maker
Apr 25, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
(thread 1/n)

I'm trying an experiment with Twitter Ads & Facebook Ads. I put 2 products on Gumroad:

- eBook (free or pay what you think it's worth)
- Twitter Management Tool

In the last week:

- 103 visits to products
- 4 conversions
- 25 new subs to my email newsletter 2 / n

The eBook has been downloaded a total of 55 times directly from my blog. I really need to merge both lists into a main list and use one tool!
Apr 21, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Build a chatbot in < 30 mins with NLP intelligence

1. Load Visual Studio (VS)
2. Select Core Bot Template
3. Identify cognitivemodel.json
4. Browse to luis.ai
5. Upload file from step #4
6. Note app keys from luis.ai (cont)

7. Update appsetting.json to include keys from #6
8. Run project
9. Run @msbotframework emulator.
10. Point it to your bots URL
11. Test and use bot !

Ready to deploy to Azure?
Apr 20, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Steps to quickly getting your head around 3d party APIs if you're new:

1. Track down developer API guide.
2. Identify authentication APIs.
3. See if they Postman collections.
4. Try the APIs in Postman
5. Use Postman code-gen-feature
6. Copy Postman code & place in a simple app (cont)
When you're comfortable with the basic Postman auto generated code:

7. Take the code and refactor it.
8. Place it into a class library.
9. Create custom objects to reflect data the API sends and receives.
10. You now have your own API !

More info: jamiemaguire.net
Apr 18, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
@catalinmpit Some tips:

- start with variables & loops
- look at functions & methods
- try to find patterns in your code
- get comfortable with OOP
- create your first object


- think of a basic project
- consider the main functionality
- break it down to components @catalinmpit (cont)

- create data access and logic
- implement basic CRUD routines
- build a UI
- connect your logic to the UI
- push data through all layers