Jamie Henn Profile picture
Director, Fossil Free Media. Instigator, @cleancreatives and @stopmoneypipe. Co-founder, @350. Let’s end fossil fuels.
Nancy LaPlaca Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 22 12 tweets 3 min read
I think the most exciting thing on climate about Kamala Harris is that she is perfectly positioned to prosecute the case against Big Oil.

The fossil fuel industry has raked in massive profits for decades by lying about climate. We need a President who will make them pay. 🧵 Harris has exactly the right background. When she was California AG, her office supported the investigation into Exxon's lies. Harris even said on the campaign trail that she'd "sued" Exxon, which wasn't quite right, but hey, now's her chance.
Jul 9 22 tweets 4 min read
The stuff in Project 2025 on climate and fossil fuels is even worse than you would imagine. As Michael Mann said, this would be “game over for climate progress.” If you care about a livable future, it’s worth understanding what’s in this radical right blueprint. Buckle up. First, you’ve got to understand that Project 2025 comes straight out of the well-oiled climate denial machine. It was put together by right-wing think tanks funded by the likes of ExxonMobil and the Koch Brothers. Big Oil’s fingerprints are all over this.
Apr 19 9 tweets 3 min read
Californians, you've got a chance to pass the first #MakePollutersPay Climate Superfund bill in the country, but we're going to need your help.

Here's a quick thread on how you can help make Big Oil pay their fair share for climate impacts! Image Here's the deal: @SenatorMenjivar has introduced a bill, SB1497, that would make big oil companies pay into a "climate superfund" that would help pay the costs of climate disasters.

This could generate BILLIONS to help pay for climate damages. sd20.senate.ca.gov/news/protectin…
Jan 26 22 tweets 7 min read
Our movement waged an epic campaign to #StopLNG and the pressure worked!

Today Biden announced a pause on all new approvals, saying "We will heed the calls of young people and frontline communities."

Here's how we won 🧵 Image Six months ago, our movement came together with a clear focus: elevate CP2 and stopping all other LNG facilities as a national priority.

Today, we helped deliver one of the largest actions on fossil fuels any administration has ever taken. nytimes.com/2024/01/25/cli…
Jul 26, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Tomorrow, President Biden is giving a big speech on extreme heat and the climate crisis.

It's the perfect opportunity to declare a climate emergency and use the full power of the presidency to implement the IRA and drive forward clean energy.

Here's why --> 🧵 The climate crisis is an existential threat that demands urgent action. We are already seeing the impacts - wildfires, droughts, flooding - and it will only get worse without bold leadership.

Passing the Inflation Reduction Act was a *BIG* start, but it's not nearly enough.
Mar 29, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
We haven’t found the smoking gun yet, but it sure as hell looks like ExxonMobil was involved in a massive hacking operation to silence their critics (including me).

The Wall Street Journal tells the wild story in this bombshell of a piece. wsj.com/articles/massi… Prosecutors haven’t yet found a clear line connecting Exxon to the hacking operation, but it’s really the only plausible explanation for why a hacker-for-hire would come after us and leak an email that was at the center of Exxon’s legal strategy on #ExxonKnew.
Oct 26, 2022 14 tweets 8 min read
How bad is @HKStrategies, the firm that is running communications for the UN Climate Talks #COP27?

Let's look at just one of their (many) greenwashing campaigns for Big Oil giant @Shell.

Grab a cup of coffee (literally) 🧵 Image Here again is the story in @openDemocracy that broke the news that the Egyptian government has hired @HKStrategies to run communications for the #COP27 climate talks starting in 2 weeks. opendemocracy.net/en/cop27-hillk…
Oct 21, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: The PR firm hired by Egypt for COP27 is none other than Hill+Knowlton, who worked with Big Tobacco and currently runs the “Oil & Gas Climate Initiative,” an industry front group.

This is as dirty as it gets. opendemocracy.net/en/cop27-hillk… @HKStrategies needs to either drop their fossil fuel clients or COP27 should drop them.

They’ve got clear conflicts of interest and shouldn’t be allowed to be helping run the climate talks.
Sep 20, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
WOW! In his General Assembly speech, the UN Secretary General just *blasted* fossil fuel industry enablers -- calling out the PR and advertising industry for the first time!

“Our world is addicted to fossil fuels. It’s time for an intervention."

Here's an excerpt 🧵 “Our world is addicted to fossil fuels. It’s time for an intervention.

We need to hold fossil fuel companies and their enablers to account.
Sep 14, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
This is a *HUGE* freaking deal: Congress has obtained documents that show Big Oil companies actively lying about their climate commitments and coordinating to downplay their support for the Paris Agreement.

That's fraud.

A quick 🧵
nytimes.com/2022/09/14/cli… There are so many wild parts to this article it's hard to track all of them.

First, a revelation that Exxon pressed an industry trade group to remove any mention of the Paris Agreement from a policy document. Exxon says it supports Paris -- but clearly not.
Sep 12, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
The GOP permitting bill that Sen. Capito just introduced is a dumpster fire of climate denial and industry giveaways that will only deepen our dependence on the fossil fuels that are destroying our climate.

Let's go through this burning trash heap 🧵epw.senate.gov/public/index.c… You know anything that starts with "Codifies the Trump Administration's...." is going to be a disaster.

In this case, the GOP is trying to follow through on Trump's attempts to gut the National Environmental Protection Act, the "magna carta" of environmental law.
Sep 12, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Get ready for a BIG week of Big Oil accountability in Washington, with Democrats going after the industry's lawsuits, lies, and obscene profits.

First up, on Tuesday, Natural Resources is hosting a hearing on PR agencies that spread disinformation on behalf of Big Oil. Image PR and Ad agencies play a *huge* role in blocking climate action and this hearing will shine a major spotlight on the industry.

Over at @cleancreatives, we could hardly be more excited. washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/…
Aug 2, 2022 27 tweets 6 min read
Let’s talk about the massive fossil fuel giveaways in the IRA and how we can fight back against them.

Manchin may have us in a hostage situation right now, but that doesn’t mean the climate movement should stay silent about what’s happening here.

A 🧵 The deal that Manchin struck with Schumer is loaded up with tens of billions of dollars of fossil fuel industry handouts that aim to slow the transition to clean energy and keep us reliant on expensive & polluting coal, oil and gas.
Apr 6, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
We aren’t going to be able to maintain the political support to transition to clean energy if Big Oil can always jack up prices, screw over consumers, and successfully blame climate policies for it.

A quick 🧵 on how I think we can deal with this 1. We need to be clear that Big Oil is to blame for high gas prices. They got us into this mess, they’re lobbying against solutions, and they’re making massive profits at our expense. Politicians have to be confident enough to point the finger at Big Oil.
Apr 5, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Reardon is Exhibit A for the “prestige problem” when it comes to fossil fuels. If you work for a fancy law firm and donate to the right politicians, it doesn’t matter if you defend Chevron’s human rights violations — Senators will still vote for you. reuters.com/legal/litigati… But here’s the thing: the law firms (and PR agencies and consultants) who work with fossil fuels are just as much a part of the problem as ExxonMobil. They’re the enablers that put a shiny veneer on the industry’s destruction. Reardon is part of that machine.
Nov 15, 2021 8 tweets 5 min read
Um...don't look now, but @CleanCreatives has got @EdelmanPR, the world's largest PR company *scrambling* to contain the fallout from their work with ExxonMobil and other fossil fuel clients! adweek.com/brand-marketin… It all started in September when our "F-List" report revealed that we'd found a line of code on an ExxonMobil website that showed that Exxon was working with Edelman, the world's largest PR company. gizmodo.com/exxon-s-secret…
Oct 27, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
Here are some of the questions I think Congress should ask the #SlipperySix oil executives at this historic Big Oil hearing tomorrow:

1. Do you admit your company lied to the American people about the climate crisis? oversight.house.gov/legislation/he… 2. Mr. Woods, there's clear evidence that Exxon scientists knew that your product was driving the climate crisis as early as the 1970s. Will you finally come clean and admit that your company then went on to lie about the problem? #SlipperySix insideclimatenews.org/project/exxon-…
Oct 27, 2021 13 tweets 5 min read
Can we talk for a second about all the incredible climate activism happening right now?

We often say "it takes everyone to change everything" and everyone is turning up.

This thread is just a sampling...add in more! The fossil fuel divestment movement just celebrated an enormous milestone: over 1485 institutions with assets over $39 Trillion have committed to divest from fossil fuels!
Aug 31, 2020 11 tweets 4 min read
Let's talk about the politics of fracking.

The press has bought into (arguably created?) this narrative that if Dems say anything about regulating or banning fracking, it will kill them in places like PA.

New polling out today & past experience shows otherwise.

A 🧵--> This whole "fracking will sink Dems" narrative has been around a while, but it was crystalized this January with this piece in the NYT and a painful Daily episode that made out fracking opponents as pot-smoking hippies (kid you not, just listen) nytimes.com/2020/01/27/us/…
Aug 4, 2020 15 tweets 5 min read
BP just announced what some are calling a “radical” and “transformative” plan to cut its oil and gas production and invest in clean energy.

Is an oil major finally getting serious about climate?

Let’s take a look 🧵
cnn.com/2020/08/04/bus… First, the announcement: BP says it is cutting oil and gas production by about 40% by 2030, while its refining output will decline about 30%.

This is a BIG deal.

It’s the first time an oil major has admitted it needs to slash production to meet its climate goals.
Jul 30, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
Ok...I know news about the Federal Reserve isn’t exactly viral twitter content, but this is IMPORTANT.

Under the guise of the Corona-19 bailout, the Fed is pumping *BILLIONS* into the fossil fuel industry.

Here's a 🧵on how your money is fueling the climate crisis. Today, 69 orgs call on the Fed to end its purchase of fossil fuel debt.

The Fed must stop leveraging public money to purchase debt from the firms exacerbating the climate crisis. #StopTheMoneyPipeline #PeopleNotPolluters priceofoil.org/2020/07/30/fed…