Jana Favero 🇮🇹⚽️ Profile picture
Advocate. Mother. Cares and tweets about refugees, asylum policy, fairness, equality, gender, politics, Italy, Afghanistan, Mongolia. Works @asrc1. Board @acoss
Nov 14, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
The detention of men who sought safety on our shores is shocking. We must take action. The Government takes silence as acceptance.

A thread on how to TAKE ACTION to stand in solidarity who those detained, and demand the Government immediately release people from detention 👇 Drive past Mantra (Melb) & Kangaroo Point (Bris), honk your horn. Don't underestimate the impact of this

Call your local MP and urge them to add their voice to pressure the Government.

Join one of the daily in person actions at #mantra - 3pm weekdays, 5pm Sat/Sun