Jason Patterson 📚📜🗜🎨 Profile picture
Arts & Exhibitions Fellow at @WCStarrcenter | Researching & making artwork on Black history with a focus on Maryland's Eastern Shore🦀 https://t.co/ZF5q8lPEbp
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Nov 30, 2020 11 tweets 6 min read
She is worth 500 million dollars. She's is the wealthiest United States senator. She is running against a man who grew up in the projects. 60 years later and they're still calling the senior paster of Ebenezer Baptist Church a communist.
Aug 19, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
Related: In *1790s* Charles P. Sumner, Sen. Charles Sumner’s father, was against Massachusetts miscegenation laws & believed Boston schools should integrated. As a young man he sailed to Haiti to celebrate their revolution.

Then went on to be sheriff of Boston’s Suffolk County. Also related: The fact that people like Charles Sumner, Thaddeus Stevens, or even John Brown, aren’t well know & celebrated as American heroes, on the level of the founders & Lincoln, helps explain the anxious conservative backlash at the #1619Project.
Dec 13, 2018 4 tweets 4 min read
When talking about the #GOP of the 1860s(especially party founders/leaders), we‘re talking about a party that’s virtually all white men, with abolition as a foundational tenet—caring about/acting on the best interests of millions of ppl they didn’t know, personally or culturally. Note: Important to remember a lot of what these men thought on race goes under the category of white supremacist beliefs.

But as a party they held the platform of human rights, even for people in this country that weren’t “their people.”

That’s absent in #GOP rhetoric today.