Hey #EconTwitter, I'm on the job market with a paper about open source software. OSS is a global public good, widely used and provided by the private sector, but the target of recent industrial policy.
1/ jeffgortmaker.com/files/Open_Sou…2/ I build an empirical model to quantify the global effects of China expanding its OSS policies (and a US response).
Before the model, what's going on in China? Most OSS collaboration happens on GitHub. Less-known is its Chinese counterpart, Gitee, state-backed since 2020.
Jun 22, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
If you want to try out this approach in your own BLP estimation, PyBLP has pretty good support! Thanks to @_amackay for helping with getting it added.
Adding covariance restrictions was fairly straightforward, with one sort of obscure technical challenge.
Hey #econtwitter, I'm excited to share a new WP with @conlon_chris about micro data (e.g. consumer surveys) in BLP estimation. Alongside it, we finally released PyBLP version 1.0!
So we dug through published/recent WPs to see how "micro BLP" has been used in practice. Turns out it's been used a lot. Let us know who we missed!
Jun 7, 2022 • 9 tweets • 7 min read
Hey #econtwitter, @conlon_chris and I just released version 0.13.0 of PyBLP, our Python package for BLP-style differentiated products demand estimation.
This is part of an ongoing project of ours: standardizing and developing best practices for how to incorporate all sorts of "micro data." No tutorials yet, but stay tuned!