Jessica McCarty Profile picture
Personal account, don’t speak for employer not official NASA comms. I post🔥-food-climate- 🛰 science takes. ❤️s & 🔁s not endorsements. She/her/KY hillbilly
Feb 16, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
This study finds #Wildfires likely to increase in a 1.5°C world as well as a 2.0°C world. #ClimateChange

Particularly interesting: more fires in Amazonia and the Mediterranean.

But this is not a prediction of actual fire activity. Why?… For one, this is an atmosphere-only study.

This is a Half a degree Additional warming, Prognosis and Projected Impacts (HAPPI) project - an attempt to answer the questions set by policymakers under the Paris Agreement for "pre-industrial warming."
Jul 24, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
Friday deep dive into #ArcticFires of Siberia, focusing on the 8,000+ fires detected by MODIS & VIIRS satellites between May 2020 and mid-July 2020 at latitudes above 70°N. (A thread). Image Important to note that Arctic fire regimes are not novel, but seem to be increasing in number. Here, @iccinet Climate Change Intern and @StOlaf undergraduate student, @BradenPohl, maps fires for last 3 years in northern Krasnoyarsk Krai and Sakha Republic. Image