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Senior Ed-at-Large, host @BreitbartNews @SiriusXMPatriot 125, Sun 7 ET. Opinions my own. Subscribe on Locals:
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Apr 10 11 tweets 3 min read
Allow me to respond to @TuckerCarlson's interview here with @MuntherIsaac by talking about the facts, rather than speculating about whether Tucker hates Israel, or is an antisemite. He says he is concerned about Christians; I'll accept that. But there's no excuse for this. (1/nn) First, a fact about Bethlehem. Christians used to be a majority there; they are now a minority. The Palestinian Authority has been Islamizing the city since taking control of Bethlehem 30 years ago. Israeli "occupation" is hardly the primary issue. (2/10)
Dec 17, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I have spent an anguished 24+ hours thinking about the 3 hostages who were tragically killed by the @IDF as they escaped from Hamas. Here are a few thoughts about the event and what happens next. It's the darkest moment of the war thus far, but also perhaps a turning point. (1/9) First, a salute to the heroism of these young men -- one Arab, two Jews. They survived more than 70 days in captivity and escaped their captors. Who knows how long they lived without food or water. As the IDF Chief said, they did everything right. They should have survived. (2/9)
Nov 30, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Some commentary on @ggreenwald interview with Rashid Khalidi about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I agree with Greenwald on free speech; this has always been his blind spot. He begins with providing "context" to October 7; however, no such context is needed/appropriate. (1/12) I may have missed it but I did not see Greenwald acknowledge Khalidi's history of association with the Palestine Liberation Organization during its days as a terror organization (he has said elsewhere that he was not a spokesman). Certainly that is some important "context" (2/12)
Nov 18, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
A thread on what is currently publicly known about rape and sexual assault during the Hamas terror attack on October 7, which some anti-Israel activists are attempting to deny (casting aside the principle of "believe every women" to which many of the same people subscribe). (1/8) There are several eyewitness testimonies to the rape of others, including one that has been partially revealed to the media, in which an account of gang rape is accompanied by descriptions of extreme violence, culminating in the murder of the victim. (2/8)…
May 21, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
.@Peggynoonannyc's column obsessing -- STILL -- about a "Trump-Russia" connection is both hilarious and illustrative of the way in which those in the elite media and political classes fell completely for their own propaganda, originally concocted to explain Trump's victory. (1/5) Image Noonan finds it mysterious that Trump was so friendly to Russia. It was simple. Putin praised Trump in the GOP primary. Trump returned the compliment. If Putin attacked him, Trump would have attacked Putin. That's not how he is with *Putin*; it's how he is with *everybody.* (2/5)
Mar 7, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
The @FedSoc is currently hosting a CLE webinar on the practice of "lawyer-shaming," lately a habit of the left (think: intimidation of Trump's election lawyers). It's aiming to qualify for credit for "anti-bias" training -- normally a tool of left-wing indoctrination by the Bar. 2/n Initially there was bipartisan condemnation of lawyer-shaming (when aimed by right at terror defense attorneys or by left at lawyers who defended Defense of Marriage Act). Then in 2019 law students/activists on climate change began pressuring lawyers to drop fossil fuel firms
Nov 29, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
More from @TimCast with @Ye, Milo, Fuentes:

-Ye says all he was doing is pointing out prevalence of Jews (false: he was suggesting Jewish control, and issuing threats vs. Jews)
-Ye says it was "beautiful" that people can see how you are canceled for making that observation (1/x) (What's "beautiful" is @Ye showing how little he knows and how hateful he is. He should not have been canceled or "debanked," even though -- and perhaps because -- his views are repellent: canceling people prevents them from showing how ignorant they are. Which he's doing.) (2/x)
Aug 8, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Watching a delayed version of @SecBlinken's speech in South Africa... cliché after cliché for the first five minutes. Evidently his new "strategy" is to fart the ANC warm (1/n) @SecBlinken First priority: openness -- capacity of nations and individuals to "choose their own path." More clichés ... flattering the hosts rather than actually doing anything useful (2/n)
May 16, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
When are White House press going to get around to asking @PressSec @KJP46 the question that they asked of press secretaries during the Trump era: "Will you pledge never to lie to us from that podium?"… @PressSec @KJP46 Question for @seanspicer, Jan. 23, 2017: "Is it your intention to always tell the truth from that podium, and will you pledge never to knowingly something that is not factual?"…
Mar 22, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Drink every time @SenWhitehouse says DARK MONEY @SenWhitehouse drink
Dec 3, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
IMO the charges against the parents in the MI school shooting are a stretch. The prosecutor implied that they, and not the school, ought to have asked the shooter if he had his gun and searched his backpack. Can the principal be charged on the same basis? This is likely political The backpack, parents, child, and principal were all on school premises at the time. And there is no evidence yet that the parents knew the child had drawn disturbing images — in fact the evidence is contrary, suggesting warm relations between parent and child before the shooting
Feb 11, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
A thread on the #ImpeachmentTrial thus far.

The House impeachment managers are presenting an emotional case.

They can't prove incitement, so they are trying to hold Trump broadly responsible for the riot.

Trump's team has yet to present a basic outline of his defense.

(1/4) The House managers went too far yesterday by using faulty "evidence," and spinning a conspiracy theory that Trump *planned* the riot. They also lectured the Senate on accepting election outcome -- a bit rich, after Russia "collusion." And using @EricSwalwell was an insult.

Feb 11, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
House impeachment managers misquote @SenMikeLee. Chair @SenatorLeahy rules that material not in the record can be quoted. Lee appeals, saying his motion was different; the managers’ claims about his statements were false and he was the only witness to them #ImpeachmentTrial (1/4) Lee asks for vote on appeal; it starts; confusion ensues. @SenSchumer suggests absence of quorum. Staff takes attendance; chaos. Lee withdraws appeal; Schumer withdraws vote; @RepRaskin withdraws statement (which he says was accurate quote of news article) (2/4) #ImpeachmentTrial
Jan 26, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
What, exactly, did @JoeBiden find "offensive" about the 1776 Commission report? Was it Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? Or was it the part about the Constitution?
Jan 10, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Trump's determination to find a way to win at all costs made him an extraordinarily successful president when his interests lined up with those of the country, but led him to ruin when they did not, after Nov. 3 and especially after Dec. 14 when the Electoral College voted. (1/5) The extreme tactics and rhetoric used throughout his presidency by the Democrats, the media, the deep state, the "Resistance," and #BlackLivesMatter/Antifa not only "normalized" violence and chaos, but created a siege mentality apparently impervious to criticism and advice. (2/5)
Jan 3, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I am not the only conservative who opposes what some Republicans plan to do in Congress Jan. 6 as protests gather in front of the White House. Here I do not speak for anyone but myself, but while I believe the election was neither free nor fair I do not support this effort. (1/5) I have no patience for the criticisms of Democrats or the media, who not only supported similar challenges in the past, but also promoted the "Russia collusion" hoax for years in trying to undo the result of the 2016 election. Their mischief also affected the 2020 election. (2/5)
Nov 16, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
The @AP fact check says that @realDonaldTrump is wrong about signature matching in the Georgia consent decree. But the AP article does not link to the consent decree.… (Never a good sign.) So I decided to check AP's work. The AP's fact-check is wrong. (1/7) I found that In 2019, Georgia enacted a law that relaxes the signature matching requirement. It allows an absentee voter whose signature does not match to cast a provisional ballot, then "cure" the defect within a certain period of time, with ID etc.… (2/7)
Oct 7, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
I am very concerned about what I have learned about @VP Mike Pence's debate preparations.

It's an incomplete view, no doubt, but also a worrying one, given the stakes.

There are a few hours left, so read this thread and RT if you want someone on VP's team to see this.

(1/10) @KamalaHarris excels at set pieces like her attack on @JoeBiden last year ("that little girl was me").

She is 100% certain to attack Pence on COVID.

"You were in charge of the coronavirus task force. But you couldn't even protect the president."

Pence better be ready.

Oct 2, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Thread on Trump, the coronavirus, and the election. (1/12) I wish the President and the First Lady a complete and swift recovery. I have taken comfort in II Kings 20, about the recovery of King Hezekiah: another leader, another reformer, another extraordinary political figure who restored his nation's values and overcame the odds. (2/12)
Sep 29, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Biden’s tax returns showed he and Dr. Jill barely give anything to charity. The “Scranton vs. Park Ave.” thing is funny, because he barely lived in Scranton and Trump was born in Queens. I should qualify this: they barely *gave* until the last few years, when they started giving more, including large sums to their own charities.
Aug 31, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Thread: A few thoughts on the Kyle Rittenhouse case. The media have drawn conclusions based on political prejudice, as usual. Seeking to learn more about the case I interviewed his lawyer yesterday on "@BreitbartNews Sunday" on @SiriusXMPatriot 125. (1/6)… He has what seems a coherent argument he was acting in self-defense. The prosecutors themselves provided exculpatory details in their charging document. According to the *prosecution*, in each case when he fired the gun he was attacked first. The videos seem to corroborate. (2/6)