Jon Trickett MP Profile picture
Labour MP. From Great County of Yorkshire. Former Leader of Leeds Council. Retweets past & present don’t reflect my own views.
Sep 28, 2021 19 tweets 3 min read
My thoughts and concerns on Labour's long-term political direction, including on @Keir_Starmer's recent essay, written for @tribunemagazine at #Lab21 👇… Repeatedly Labour leaderships have emerged committed to maintaining the basic structures of the British economy.
Mar 18, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
If there is to be a debate about our direction of travel, it should be conducted in a generous, honest and tolerant tone. It should focus on true policy positions, not caricatures formulated as part of tactical machine politics. Me for the @NewStatesman… I am and always have been a radical democratic socialist. There have been moments in our history when we were in the majority within the party leadership, but more often this was not the case. In spite of its pluralism, the Labour Party had socialism in its DNA from the start 1/6
Mar 7, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
This zombie Government has stopped even pretending to govern; it is preoccupied only with its party's survival. There hasn't been a single vote in the Commons all week. On Monday they withdrew a finance bill in the Commons half an hour before it was due to be presented. They knew that they didn’t have a majority of MPs to get their business through.