Jon M Jachimowicz Profile picture
Immigrant | Assistant Professor in Org Behavior @HarvardHBS. I study the experience, antecedents, and consequences of passion.
Nov 21, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
In a new theory paper out today in ROB @weisman_hannah & I argue that employers & employees can have different understandings of passion that potentially conflict. This offers a different view on variety of challenges currently widespread in many orgs 1/8… Image A growing number of orgs signal to employees that being passionate about work is a positive workplace ideal, e.g., our systematic analysis of 200+ million job postings in the US finds that the appearance of the word “passion” has increased nearly tenfold from 2007 to 2019 2/8 Image
Jul 5, 2022 16 tweets 6 min read
🚨 New WP 🚨 In late 2020 we gave 5,000 low-income US participants $2000, $500, or nothing ($2.5m in transfers), measured survey outcomes, & (for 43%) have access to bank info. What did we find? 1/ (w/ @AniaJaroszewicz, @julianjamison, & Oliver Hauser)

🔓… What would you expect we'd find? We asked experts & a representative US sample to predict results, including many of you #onhere! 2/

Jul 21, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
job market season is approaching quickly... today in lab we developed a short overview of how to handle one of the most important aspects of a job talk: the Q&A!
Attached our notes and below the summary 👇… imho Q&A's are probably the most important part of a job talk. in many cases people already know (broadly) what your talk is about. the Q&A is a way for the audience (and even you!) to learn something new they didn't know before or to clarify something they didn't understand Image
Feb 16, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
🚨 New paper in press @ JESP 🚨

With ⬆️ racial diversity one might expect ⬆️ interactions btw White and non-White Americans

Instead we find that ⬆️ racial diversity prompt White Americans to structure environments to ⬇️ contact with non-White others
1/ In a first experiment, we show that White Americans geographically self-segregate in personally relevant spaces, keeping these spaces less racially diverse.

In areas where participants indicated spending more of their time at home, they also allocated more White residents.

Aug 2, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
I spent many days researching, and many weeks trying out configurations for my Personal Zoom Studio for my fall/winter online teaching

Here is my (supposedly final) setup 👇 (+ links at the end) For reference, I teach a live & interactive class. So there is little "pre-recording" and most of what I do will be in the moment discussion/debating.

Biggest thing I wanted is flexibility — a standing and a sitting option (pictured above) (+ a big green screen behind me)
Sep 27, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
As job talks are happening soon, I thought I'd share some advice I've received when I was on the market on 11 tips & tricks on how to give them. Disclaimer: this is most applicable to micro OB b-schools, but may apply with caveats elsewhere too (+ some is idiosyncratic) 1) Present in-progress, not published paper
2) Present 1 paper (at most 2, but not more)
3) Present at most 3-4 studies; the more complicated, the fewer
4) Spend at least 15 minutes on intro & get to data no later than 30 mins
5) For 90min talk, cap it at 45-50min (w/o questions)