@jradavenport.com on BSky Profile picture
year round plaid wearing coffee drinking space dad. @jradavenport.com on BSky
Sep 30, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
OK Twitter, I'm going to say a bunch of things...

You don't need to read it, but I need to write it. 1) we need clear & enforced codes of professional conduct. If you harass a student, you should lose your job. I have friends who have been harassed AND friends who have lost their jobs for harassing. I have no stomach for people (esp. men) who treat people so poorly.
Oct 30, 2021 13 tweets 5 min read
It’s Friday movie night, kids get to choose… so we’re on probably the 20th viewing of *shudder* the Paw Patrol Movie. AND I HAVE SOME THOUGHTS
1/ There’s so much to ponder about the Adventure Bay Universe… the perineal favorite Q is “Where the hell are Ryder’s parents?!”
But with today’s viewing we’re considering the logistics (and timing) of the Paw Patrol’s arrival in Adventure City
Oct 28, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Hot dog! Astro Twitter is fired up today about a paper on metrics & research/career "impact"! I don't approve of the premise, method, or conclusions of this paper (also, these metrics as a "predictor"?! lol), but here's my 2 thoughts... 1) I've never seen any evidence that astronomers have skill at picking the "best" people for anything (jobs, grants, etc). I've 🧵'd about this, @astrogrant has write ups. *maybe* we can sort applications into a few meaningful piles
Oct 28, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Funny fact: when you're trying for that output PR on @onepeloton, you're *NOT* chasing your previous best ride. Peloton takes your best total output (in kJ) & updates it evenly spaced throughout. Here I jotted down my PR output every 10sec over a 5min ride (pink line) Image The blue line is a fake representation of what the output might have actually been for that PR (Personal Record, aka Personal Best/PB) ride, slowly warming up, & then taking a break at the end (many rides have a warmup/cooldown built in)
Nov 9, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
It's perhaps a small thing, but @JoeBiden doesn't use a Sharpie to write. I find that comforting. Nobody serious about communicating or ideas uses a sharpie to take notes in a meeting

This looks like a @officialuniball pen, maybe from the Vision line? Image No @Sharpie hate here - they're my go-to for lots of jobs in the shop or around the house! @hankgreen, certainly someone who cares about ideas and communication, recently said they're the best for signing books.

But you're not taking notes on complex global issues w/ a Sharpie
Nov 8, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
Free sitcom idea: it’s like Parks and Rec, but it’s the company who “lost” the bidding war and now has to build the Trump Presidential Library “Lost” b/c Trump is a real estate developer, so of course he’ll put a bid in to build his own library to try and enrich himself further. But he’s really a pretend developer, and so hires the company that lost the bid to secretly do it anyway but for less $
Sep 16, 2020 15 tweets 6 min read
I've seen a lot of chatter about collectively using box fans to - for example - clear smoke from the #wildfires... heck I've even had that thought! So last night I did some fast math:

a 🧵 I live in Seattle suburbs, so we're just going to focus on WA (sorry OR & CA, you're on your own). WA has an area of 71,362 sq miles. Smoke can rise HIGH, but 2km of air should be plenty to breathe, e.g. earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/144658/…
So we need to move... ~1.3e16 cubic feet of air(!)
Aug 18, 2020 17 tweets 3 min read
Today a student asked me: How did you get over the worry of asking a "bad" question?
My short answer: By asking a lot of bad Q's...

My long answer: {Mind you, all this is from my extremely privileged life and esp. current position}
I finished college w/ a C average (which I maintain is A OK!), didn't get into any PhD programs, and felt like I never really "got it" in most courses (astro being almost the only exception).
Mar 20, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
Look at this desk
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my home office’s
Wouldn't you think I'm a girl
Who doesn’t have COVID19? Look at this pantry
Treasures untold
Just how much TP can one cabinet hold?
Look at my stockpile you'd think
(Sure) she's got everything