Jennifer Huddleston Profile picture
Senior Fellow in Technology Policy at Cato. I tend to tweet about antitrust, data privacy, Section230, & running. All views are my own. RT/Like≠ endorsement.
Sep 16 88 tweets 10 min read
Okay here we go TikTok v. Garland D.C. Circuit live tweet thread Background of my previous work on this topic in this thread
Jul 9, 2021 15 tweets 5 min read
Today President Biden will issue an executive order on”Promoting Competition in the American Economy”, I’ll save the conversation about doing this action by EO for reg experts like my @aaf colleagues @DtheGman and @Dan_Bosch but some early thoughts on what’s known to be in it And here’s the link to what I’m basing these thoughts/discussion on…
Jul 8, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
It’s late so I’ll save more thoughts for but ICYMI the latest big tech #antitrust case has been filed These days whenever such a case is filed my first 2 questions are: what actions do they allege are negatively impact consumer welfare (particularly when consumers often benefiting) & what are they considering the market (this seems to be particularly an issue for tech cases)?