Juliette Kayyem Profile picture
Prof @Kennedy_School, @CNN National Security Analyst, @TheAtlantic, Consultant, Author. Obama @DHSgov. Read THE DEVIL NEVER SLEEPS. Pulitzer finalist. 3x mom.
41 subscribers
Jan 9 4 tweets 1 min read
Our disasater management system is not sustainable in this era. CalFire gets a lot of training in the wildland-urban interface, much more so than most federal wildland fire crews which focus on uninhabited national forests and public lands. The size and scale and proximity to populated areas is just too much. 1/ In my book THE DEVIL NEVER SLEEPS, I write of a response system that has not sufficiently modified or scaled for recurring disasters despite the fact that these disasters are knowable and predictable. But there are/were solutions. 2/
Oct 30, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
GETTING READY. I've been privileged to assist across this country as a subject matter expert in protecting the rights of ALL Americans to vote and so I have some transparency on what is being done. It might calm folks a bit. A thread on anticipating the sh--show ahead. 1/ Each security plan has essentially the same goals: 1)mitigate risks to personnel and property; 2)a system to identify risks, determine their veracity, and communicate internally and externally; 3)dedicated team members who are focused on threats only and can communicate/decide quickly; 4)keep focus on GOTV. 2/
Oct 23, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
This site is not our friend, on election day in particular. As I work with states and state party officials, I give them this advice: train your teams to focus. GOTV is going to be hit with disinformation, rumors, and the craziness with only one goal in mind: distraction. 1/ Violence is a law enforcement issue; legal shenanigans are for the courts. But GOTV is ripe for the same crap we saw during the hurricanes for the purpose of impacting how campaigns understand what is going on on the ground. My take @TheAtlantic 2/
Apr 24, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
As universities prepare for graduation, there are 3 guiding ("O") rules for safety planning:
1)Outlets: Provide outlets for student protests
2)Off-Ramps: Many on X/the Hill talk tough, but a good plan has various levels of de-escalation;
3)Outcomes: Then get to consequences; 1/ To start, I am embarrassed for commentators who know better wanting to silence all viewpoints with tough talk; for First Amendment advocates who loosely equate Palestinian protest as pro-Hamas or anti-semitic; for those who called Biden's comments his Charlottesville moment. 2/
Mar 17, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
A proposal; It is good Biden is talking about the threat to our democracy coming from the violence Trump promises. We have a whole department created to address terrorism. And it would be nice to hear a plan about protecting our homeland security. DOJ is not built for this. 1/ The WH cannot talk of a real threat and then sit back and hope the voters solve the problem. They may and still Trump was a menace. That was true in 2020. He didn't stop. 2/
Aug 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
PAY ATTENTION. I wait to talk to people I trust about how to interpret an event like Tropical Storm #Hilary . So .... reliable folks are now sounding alarms. There is simply nowhere for the water to go. Severe flooding in Vegas? Rain in Death Valley? "Impacts are unknown." 1/ The best to be said now is listen to local news, don't wade out in water, and set your emergency alerts on your phone (flash flood warnings) - if you don’t know how just download the fema app. There is a lot of crap out there now. Follow
AND 2/Ready.gov
Jun 20, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
As faculty chair of a major initiative at Harvard's @Kennedy_School @BelferCenter, The Global Crisis and Resilience Forum, I am thrilled that four papers from the effort are now posted.
By David Hayes:
belfercenter.org/publication/cl… The Forum addresses the challenges and deficiencies of our disaster management system and how it might improve. We are meeting again this week in Cambridge.
By Bruggeman, Klein and Talmadge:
Jun 12, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
A couple of things to consider/weigh for next few days that cut in a variety of ways: 1)the words are hot, the coordination is not. This is not January 6th. The more established right wing groups are disorganized, leaders are in jail, they've turned against each other. 1/ 2)Trump is not in charge nor can he direct police or military assets; 3)Local, state and federal authorities have considerable notice to organize and now know that this is not a drill; 4)still, this is Florida, not NYC, and the pool of people likely to support Trump is bigger; 2/
Apr 29, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
A thread on divorce. Given its topic, book lectures for THE DEVIL NEVER SLEEPS have no expiration date. Admittedly, speaking to a gathering of divorce lawyers was unique. I don't like to just show up, so I do spend some time learning and asking about why they would want me. 1/ There are similarities: people and families in crisis, shock and sadness, difficulties in how to "measure success" (riding happily into the sunset is not an option.) The lawyers try to make things "less bad," a theme of my book. It made sense to me. 2/
Mar 12, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Follow @SRuhle on the #SVBCollapse. I have a confession; I was once a client of Silicon Valley Bank and everything she says rings true. How did this happen? It takes some understanding of the culture of startups and the pressure of conformity by the boys with billions. 1/ I had never heard of SVB when I started to raise for a tech company I co-founded. In the end, we never had to raise from VCs so had little interaction with the bank, but we did think when we started that we would. We'd raise a few bucks from angel investors then go big. 2/
Mar 9, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Thread on Dominion's crisis strategy. I thought more about what it is about Dominion's approach that is successful, and ended up teaching it a little today in my crisis management course. I focused only on Dominion. FOX gets enough ink. I think D. made two smart moves. 1/ First, they did not let FOX set the conditions of engagement. To get into a dispute about whether there was any validity to FOX's claim would have conceded too much. Instead they succeeded in moving the narrative away from any discussion about whether they did something wrong. 2/
Feb 17, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
A story about Twitter is emerging that has significant impact on disaster relief efforts. The platform's changes to data access threaten the ability of aid workers and others to understand what is going on and drive resources to where most needed. 1/

time.com/6254500/turkey… There has been a back and forth this week with Twitter delaying the change for a few days after a lot of pushback because of the earthquake in Turkey. Twitter had always been really good about providing access to bulk data. 2/
Feb 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Homeland thoughts: The balloon does not pose military or aviation threat; it is above commercial air traffic (+35K feet). There is a homeland below and one might consider that a military option isn't very smart for Americans who live there. 1/
nytimes.com/2023/02/02/us/… The value of the intelligence China would be gaining is far less than the threat that any NORAD response would entail. There are ways to fortify critical infrastructure that might (might!) be vulnerable to the surveillance from homeland security perspective. 2/
Jan 5, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
A thread on Biden's Border Announcement. Today's changes in border policy (below) are a data and fact based approach to a truly terribly problem about regional migration. It starts with lessons from Venezuela. 1/ Image First, though, to solve the border issue through court challenges over Title 42 is a piecemeal effort and will not change the dynamics of what is occurring, which is just a part of global migration patterns. It is not sustainable to solve migration through a public health law.2/
Jan 5, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Friday is the 2nd Anniversary of the 1/6 insurrection. While GOP House is in disarray, this is my periodic reminder that Mitch McConnell deserves a big share of blame. He condemned Trump passionately 2 years ago, but then folded; he thought Dems could fix his party for him. 1/ Did he matter? Yes. We forget how significant his condemnation of Trump was, and how deflating his eventual silence became. It took another 18 months for the #January6thCommittee to form and normalize a path forward (an off-ramping) away from Trump. 2/
Dec 30, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Takeaways on #moscowidaho. We will not get many specifics and what led them to him; all speakers were clear that Idaho rules prohibit disclosure of anything that might look like information in an affidavit until he's in state. Based on what was said, only: 1/ 1)Tremendous honesty about them STILL putting the pieces together and asking public for help about the defendant: "everything and anything." They know what they are looking for and will take it from there, so anybody who knows him is relevant. 2/
Dec 28, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
THREAD. Southwest Airline's problems are not that complex, in need of massive oversight, drama, or major discourses about bad companies and a bad CEO. I very much intend to take the emotion out of a terrible situation here and say, with certainty: this is a simple fix. 1/ Ok, this has been horrible for people: customers and employees of the airline. I recognize that. But here's an idea for the Administration that doesn't require much: compel the airlines, for the privilege of flight, to change its booking technology and logistics. That's all. 2/
Dec 23, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Two thoughts on sort of big picture takeaways from #January6thCommittee Final Report. 1)It is focused. You'll hear a lot about how detailed it is, but it is also focused, like a bullseye. It does not stray or get distracted with all the other Trump stuff. 1/ It is laser focused on the peaceful transfer of power, or lack thereof. 2)There is a theme that links all the chapters that can seem on different subjects; I had an editor once call it "connective tissue." That connective tissue is that all key players knew what the other were 2/
Dec 13, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The TRUST AND SAFETY COUNCIL may not feel it, but this is a good thing to happen to them. They likely agreed to join, believing there was a good faith effort to listen to them. There was not. It was merely "advisory" which means it wasn't taken seriously because of 1/ changes Musk had already made. Normally, outside voices are essential; advisory groups are common. But they only work when they report or have some structure within the company that takes them seriously. Otherwise they are some free floating bandaid, a little kids table. 2/
Nov 22, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
I’ll be joining @AlisynCamerota at 10 @CNNTonight to discuss my @TheAtlantic column. Mass shootings have changed since we adopted “run, hide, fight”: they are more frequent and time (with high capacity guns) is not a luxury. Thoughts on reactions to it: 1/
theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/… I’m only saying what many people in my field have been thinking. As I wrote, I hate it. I do. I tend to take the world as it is and simply write of how things can be “less bad.” But in the universal praise of the actions of those heroes in #QClub lies an understanding 2/
Nov 9, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Less Bad is Good thread on election.
In a crisis, a standard of success is often that things are "less bad" than they might otherwise have been. Violent ideologies do not die, they just lose over and over. A "less bad" trajectory won last night. The temperature is cooler.
Political violence was always more complicated than the extreme takes of denial or civil war. There was always good and bad in the metrics about Trump. Last night was a less bad result, and therefore good. Trump was denied a win. @TheAtlantic 2/
