Juwan the Writer / ‘The #Fight’-er Profile picture
Founder of @TheFightToWrite and author of ‘The #Fight’ newsletter (Subscribe: https://t.co/mNlCYgt6rB). Everybody’s critic. AKA @juwanthecurator.
Mar 22 20 tweets 5 min read
For those interested in the juicy and/or gritty details of the Don Lemon - Elon Musk dustup, the full interview is available on @mediaite's YouTube (), wherever you get podcasts and on : + a thread here...
"I hear that’s a tactic," Lemon says about Elon's repeated '__ minutes left' remarks. "I’ve heard he’s done that with other interviewers, but whatever." Lemon knew he was upset at the end but says "He didn’t [say anything]. I mean, it was almost a walk off."
Jul 24, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
The people in charge of disease prevention in America are more focused on publicly “tracing back” an airborne illness to a specific community — just like they obsessed over tracing coronavirus back to travel from China for months — than actually helping people PREVENT getting it. “The U.S. has confirmed the first two cases of monkeypox i We are entering our second WHO-declared global health emergency in three years and American health, political and media leaders are repeating the VERY SAME actions they took the first time around. I don’t know how you explain that this isn’t intentional at this point.
May 6, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
"Literally building a plane and flying it at the same time.”
“It felt like we went to work everyday with boxing gloves on.”
"We were constantly wondering if the budget was going to last."
What it was like at the Black News Channel, as told to @Mediaite
mediaite.com/tv/annoyed-and… The Black News Channel (BNC) was the promising response to the long-unanswered question of whether a Black news network could exist and succeed. For two years, they were in position to be the final answer to that notion -- but ultimately, that came to an end in March.
May 5, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
I've spent some of the last two years @lgbtqnation covering Karine Jean-Pierre (@KJP46), the incoming Press Secretary. Here's what I think you should know about her... I wrote that she was one of the LGBTQ+/ally political figures you can expect to make headlines in 2021. I wasn't wrong but evidently this year would've been a much safer bet!

May 5, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Two years man. Life flies People that know KNOW me know I was hyperactive on Genius (like, RapGenius, black background instead of white Genius days.) Derek was MUCH more active than I was, so much so he became a mediator - and actually turned down an opportunity to possibly become a moderator.
Mar 31, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Are you sure you didn’t make a job just for me @gaymingmag? 👀👀👀 I’ll just… y’know, leave this* here

*my portfolio and video game clips just in case sharing them publicly may help and/or compel someone else to reach out with anything juwanthecurator.wordpress.com/writing/
Mar 28, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
ICYMI: On Saturday an article - weeks in the making - about @BNCNews came out @Mediaite. mediaite.com/opinion/what-h… The day before, it was reported that the two year old network would shut down as early as that day. Today, BNC’s Twitter shut down. All other social media is still available.

Currently, the network is airing a Joe Biden documentary, content via Legacy Distribution (@LegacyDistribCo). Normally BNC Live would be on air until 5pm.
Jan 19, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Air Mail, one of the last publications legendary journalist/critic André Leon Talley wrote for, reports he has died at 73 airmail.news/issues/2020-9-… Air Mail posted this and Talley’s last post (linked above) is appended to their home page
Jan 18, 2022 25 tweets 7 min read
Between AP, etc, creating “NFTs,” the NYT, etc, claiming any tech company is part of the “metaverse,” & others in media trying to meld those two together without clear definition, there’s either an agenda or willful ignorance of these two things going unaddressed. Quick thread… Four writers for the New York Times wrote this article, which was turned into this viral thread, on Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision. They claim a tech corporation’s acquisition of a video game producer is “a big bet on the metaverse.”
Jan 17, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
The nation’s supposed top paper, the @nytimes, has not mentioned Martin Luther King, Jr., or Martin Luther King Jr. Day on their homepage or main social media account today. It could be that they don’t want to talk about this:

(Or they just don’t think it matters) Meanwhile, WaPo, the LA Times, NY Daily News, the Wall Street Journal… even the NY Post posted something about you know… the day we’re on
Nov 30, 2021 39 tweets 9 min read
Okay. It’s time for a quick lesson. This is what it’s like to be a Bi+ person online, but also a Black queer journalist. Complete with gaslighting, condemnation, and marginalization for simply being present and speaking.

(Disclaimer: do not contact ANYONE in relation to this.) First, let me emphasize the disclaimer: part of this story lays claim that -I- am directing people to harass others. You’ll see that’s not the case, but to prevent from such further claims being made, I am mentioning no one’s tweets or accounts beyond my own.
Nov 30, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
As far as I can tell, Google has never publicly acknowledged their erasure of bi+ people with this glossary, which is telling about this project as a whole. So instead I extend my gratitude to the people involved that at least publicly owned up to their failures - Including the linguists who responded and accepted the criticism @linguistpapi @DomACanning @queerterpreter
Those at @Video_Out
Plus Men’s Health’s @jordynhtaylor

Thank you to @KarenYin who first pointed it out, but ironically enough wasn’t credited or mentioned in reports.
Nov 29, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Internal media drama aside: Why are journalists, many fearing about the perception of their objectivity, using the term “woke” incorrectly just as right-wing activists are, so often so that their union also uses it, and it is not once accurately defined by them / in this article? “Seven current Politico reporters… claimed the newsroom now centers around younger, more politically ‘woke’ staffers who wield large amounts of influence”

- What is “politically ‘woke’”?
- How does one become more “woke,” let alone “politically woke,” than another?
Jul 4, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Someone should do an explainer one day showing the domino effect of Jackie Kennedy’s sister marrying into the Royal Family leading Jackie to feel the pressure to get married leading to her marrying JFK leading to the invent of modern paparazzi which led to “gossip” tabloids …which then led to collective cult of personality, which led to all those assassinations when it really exploded in the 70s and led to Reaganism, which led to the celebrity obsession that Britney & co fell victim to, and landing us here with “stan culture”
May 13, 2021 51 tweets 16 min read
I’m honored to present “We Dream On,” a three-part profile from me for @lgbtqnation focused on actress, singer, and civil rights icon Donzaleigh Abernathy. Parts two and three come today and tomorrow.

lgbtqnation.com/2021/05/grew-m… Come for Donzaleigh’s recount of her youth and career, stay when we reveal major, unprecedented details about a queer person who also grew up in the Civil Rights Era, and learn first hand how LGBTQ people were viewed and treated in the Black community from the pre-Stonewall era.
Jan 8, 2021 21 tweets 5 min read
So this was something that I was going to do before ... *everything* in the last two days. I didn’t want to send this message in between joking about white supremacy and sharing political news, because addressing this shouldn’t be buried or done in haste: I’ve learned about the abuse and harm that Taylor Crumpton has committed against several people in various communities, both online and in-person.

It’s unacceptable and wrong. That’s not up for debate, and I believe Taylor would (should) say the same in any other situation.
Nov 9, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
New: I hear from a person that attended the weekly trans-led #Stonewall protests that was marred by NYPD intervention. Kettling, shoving elected officials @JumaaneWilliams with bikes, and leaving attendees bleeding is just the beginning. @lgbtqnation lgbtqnation.com/2020/11/trans-… “When asked about police violence this week on a regular radio appearance, @NYCMayor said he “didn’t have any information on that” despite @nycpa Williams’ presence – in addition to his own press secretary’s attendance at a protest the night before.”
Nov 8, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I feel it. I know it’s coming. You know. They’re gonna edit Trebek into a picture with _______. Or worse, create a story that’s somehow about voting, going home to watch Jeopardy and then involving someone’s 2 year old
Aug 12, 2020 96 tweets 22 min read
Aight so boom. 1856, The Caning of Charles Sumner, 1856. AKA, the one about jumping that Northern city slick who came at my cousin over slavery... So although the event I’m about to tell you about is far from a hidden part of history, there are so many parallels btwn the context behind it and where this country is now. A lack of quorum and courtesy is more common than you may believe. But really, this is an insane story.