Jeremy Ginn (Papa J) 🚢 Profile picture
The Connection Guy | I was broke, empty, and weeks away from divorce, 4 conversations changed my life. | Posting about growth, relationships and online writing
Aug 22, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Today is day 7 and the final day of the #hypefurychallenge

I’m sad that the challenge is ending but I’ll incorporating some of the things I’ve learned about connecting into my daily Twitter activity.

Here are some take-always: Growth is powerful in the context of community. It’s great cheering people on!

I was honored to win one of the challenges but that was small in comparison to sharing challenges together.
Aug 22, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday was day 6 of the #hypefurychallenge

It was my favorite challenge yet but it was also a hard one for me.

I was dealing with sick family members, the loss of an aunt, and hundreds of notifications due to a tweetstorm that I may have caused.

I did it anyway. 🧵 I reached out to 10 people via DM. The biggest challenge was figuring out who to DM.

7 of the people were people in my Twitter lists that I had yet to interact with. 3 were people that were mutual follows that I had not interacted with.

Out of the 10, 5 responded within 12 hrs
Aug 20, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
5 Things I've learned from the last 6 months on Twitter:

A thread🧵 1. Reinvent yourself.

I joined Twitter in 2007. I was tweeting about completely random stuff. I was inconsistent and uninteresting.

In 2021, I showed up with an intention to connect around topics related to relationships.

It's ok to change!