Kadoch Lab Profile picture
The Kadoch Lab at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, and the Broad Institute — studying chromatin regulation in human disease.
Apr 6, 2022 7 tweets 5 min read
Congrats to Hayley Zullow of @kadochlab @HarvardMITmdphd @BBS_Harvard programs and our team, including @akshaysci, @JunQiLab, @ar_davino, and many others, on this exciting new study out today in @MolecularCell @CellPressNews ! Tweetorial below: (1/7) cell.com/molecular-cell… Here, we explore the impact of the #fusion oncoprotein hallmark to #myxoidliposarcoma, FUS-DDIT3, and its impact on #BAF #SWISNF complex-mediated #chromatin remodeling activities genome wide. (2/7)