ᴋᴀᴍʟᴇsʜ sɪɴɢʜ / tau Profile picture
Occasional columnist and regular calumnist | Storyteller at Teen Taal #TTStaff | History-Religion-Politics | Hi-Ur-En | BR-JH-UP
Jul 9, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
Popular culture matters. Rangbaazi is the dominating culture in large swathes of the Ganga belt. Guns have glamour and goons power.

In this @DailyO_ piece, I argue why this culture is the curse of the region and must be flattened like #VikasDubey's house
dailyo.in/variety/vikas-… #VikasDubey is on the road, with armed security, as gotta travel all night. He must be wishing it was day time. It's the longest bleedin' night of his life.