Bio lecturer @Tufts_Biology. Inclusive pedagogy, active learning, #Grading4Growth. Alum @PCChemTweets, @MITBiology, @TuftsIRACDA. Avid crafter. She/her/hers.
Jan 25, 2023 • 15 tweets • 4 min read
Does #ungrading disadvantage neurodivergent students? A 🧵
I’ve heard two general concerns about ungrading and neurodivergent students. First, that many neurodivergents need structure even more than other students. 2/n
For this course, I am using a philosophy of assessment called “ungrading” where there are no marks (numbers or letters) on individual assignments.
However, I will give you specific feedback so that you know what’s going well and what could use improvement!
Why no grades? Here are some of my reasons:
Jan 12, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Most important Q on my pre-class surveys for building relationships. Wording is careful & a work in progress:
“Do you have any outside obligations or special circumstances that sometimes make academics difficult or complicated? For instance, I (Prof. Mattaini) live with (1/n)
generalized anxiety disorder and chronic migraine, which can both definitely get in the way of work! If you WANT to share something of the kind with me, please do so here. This confidential information may help me support you as a whole person, (2/n)
Apr 30, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
As a capstone project, my talented #RWUCancerBio students wrote "explainer articles" for @sciworthy, a #SciComm site dedicated to demystifying scientific studies for the public. Three have been accepted already and will be posted starting next week! Others are in review. @myrwu
My students have loved this project, which required a skillset completely different from their training in academic writing. 10/10 would recommend working with editor-in-chief Gina Misra & her team! Check out their professor partnership program: