Kenar Jhaveri Profile picture
Nephrologist Educator, Rapidly Progressive Glomerular Nephrologist, onconephrologist, cyclist 🚴‍♀️, runner 🏃 Editor in chief: ASN Kidney News @hofstrakidney
2 subscribers
Mar 4 20 tweets 5 min read
1) New "X" tweetorial on a paper @CKJsocial on women in academic nephrology - specifically in glomerular diseases and onconephrology and renal transplantation @ISGDtweets @onconephsociety… led by @AttiehRose and team @KiranMunir14 @HofstraKidney Karima Wehbe, Wafaa Khaled, Darshil Jhaveri, Hay Me Me, Salman Bhutta @womeninnephro 2) Several recent publications have highlighted the gender experience in Nephrology- see this one from @asnpublications…
Jan 10 15 tweets 4 min read
Tweetorial on MTX related renal toxicity @onconephsociety @ASCO @ASH_hematology @BloodCancerJnl -- See below to start! Image 1) 🧵/ How do you treat high-dose methotrexate-associated acute kidney injury (MTX-AKI)?
Jan 13, 2023 18 tweets 12 min read
1.Tweet chain alert...on GNs with #covid19 vaccine... what is the most common GN seen post COVID19 vaccine? 2. A study led by Meryl Waldman @NIH creating a registry to evaluate de novo glomerular diseases potentially attributed to COVID19 vaccines published in @ASNKidney360 @ASNKidney may help answer this question…
Jul 23, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
Tweetorial: AA amyloidosis and Cancer - New article of analysis in the literature by our #glomerular center visiting faculty @Joyita_4 along with @MSK_Neph faculty @DrOscarLahoud… @NDTsocial 2. AA amyloidosis has been classically been associated with -- autoimmune diseases, chronic fevers, infections but AA amyloidosis can develop in a
localized or systemic form in patients with malignant neoplastic disorders
Jul 20, 2022 6 tweets 8 min read
Tweetorial on a new specialized fellowship in @HofstraKidney… @jmolinet @SIbrahimMD @sfishbane @purvasharma821 @renalmyeloma
1. Applications due for July 2023 start date- interested Nephrology fellows DM me( till website is ready) 2. Glomerular diseases are rare conditions that do require special expertise and expert centers to treat patients. The @NorthwellHealth GN center run by @purvasharma and @kdjhaveri along with expert pathologists @vbijol @Yihe28745445 will help train the next generations fellows
Jan 24, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
1) #Onconephrology @onconephsociety membership Tweetorial- Join membership--how to become a member! 2)If you are interested in becoming a member of a ASON please go to and fill out the form.
Jan 22, 2022 15 tweets 8 min read
1) Tweet summary of the review on electrolyte disorders associated with Immunotherapy @CJASN @bdubNephro @nupuruppal @NephroMD… 2) Immunotherapy 101 for the Nephrologists- what do Immune checkpoint inhibitors and CAR-T therapy do? @onconephsociety @ASCO
Sep 20, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
1)Tweetorial: Immune check point inhibitor related electrolyte disorders short letter @Kidney_Int… @renalmyeloma and Vipul Sakhiya - the FDA adverse reporting system. 2) Electrolytes were first mentioned @MayoClinicNeph as most common being hypocalcemia
Sep 10, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
Here are the votes that came in! #herbals for Cisplatin-AKI #onconephrology #tweetorial 1. Green tea- One basic science study I found that showed some benefit in rats with cisplatin authors postulate that green team increased the activities of the enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism, brush border membrane, oxidative stress.
Aug 4, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
Consult Rounds Tweetorial: 1) A 60 y old female- no PMH- arrives for Fever of Unknown origin- COVID test X3 neg, no source found- blood clx, urine clx, all neg scans. - Rheum workup neg. Renal function crt 0.9-1.2mg/dl and urinalysis bland with no WBC and no RBCS, or casts 2) Infectious disease says- less likely culprit is infection- get a Tagged WBC scan.. WBC scan lights up only in the kidneys bilaterally... Renal consult called!!
Jul 21, 2021 21 tweets 7 min read
1) New study Tweetorial: Identifying patients with CKD risk at the time of nephrectomy: When to initiate nephrology consult in collaboration with @purvasharma821 @VBijol and Urology team with lead by Yihe Yang @JOncoNeph VA by @edgarvlermamd 2)The prevalence of CKD is high among kidney neoplasm patients because of the overlapping risk factors. Our purpose was to identify kidney cancer survivors with higher CKD risk.
Jun 22, 2021 24 tweets 11 min read
Short Tweetorial from my talk on Membranous Nephropathy: 2021 Update: #glomerular disease
1. Three types of Membranous- Primary, Secondary and Allo-immune 2. Causes of secondary MN: Cancers, Drugs, Infections and autoimmune disease( like any other disease).
May 28, 2021 12 tweets 6 min read
SLGT2i and the Kidney Tweetorial Part 2
Start: Time to #flozinate
When prescribing- mindful for bp management… @aishaikh What about Scrt... SGLT2i therapy can cause an acute drop in eGFR. In the absence of hemodynamic instability or an alternate cause of AKI, the initial decline in GFR by  4-8 ml/min/1.73m2 after SGLT2i initiation is likely due to reduction in intra-glomerular pressure.
May 28, 2021 26 tweets 13 min read
Post Grand Rounds SLGT2i and the Kidney Tweetorial
- The Glucoretics - thanks @edgarvlermamd @ChristosArgyrop @jam_hirsch for some slides
Start...PART 1… SGLT2 is responsible for reabsorbing up to 90% (animal data) of the glucose filtered at the glomerulus. The remaining 10% (animal data) is reabsorbed by SGLT1 that is expressed on the luminal (brush border) surface of cells of the S3 segment of the proximal tubule
Dec 9, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
1. Here is short tweet summary of our analysis of myeloma patients on dialysis that received a renal transplant and their outcomes @NDTsocial @vinaynairdo @renalmyeloma @DrMHB1 @MersemaA… 2. Most data regarding outcomes of kidney transplantation in patients with myeloma come from single center case series. With the advent of novel treatment choices, it remains unclear if outcomes of kidney transplant recipients with myeloma have improved in last decade