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To transform massive raw data into meaningful trading information which in turn enables one to build investment knowledge. This is for educational purposes only
64 subscribers
May 25, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
in theory

1) if SPX @ATH, making higher highs
2) $VIX should go down, or making lower high
3) but if both moving up in sync with 7-day corr>25%
4) means left-tail risk rising
smart-money long SPX puts, hedging under-the-hood, expecting a risk event coming
5) someone always knows 6) same for VVIX
7) normally, SPX & VVIX should be negatively correlated
8) but, if both SPX & VVIX moving up together with 7-day corr>30%
9) means left tail-rising
smart-money long VIX calls, hedging under-the-hood, expecting a risk event coming
10) someone always knows😎
May 25, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
leading & lagging Indi's difference?

in Dec 2021
1) SPX made higher highs daily, super bullish chart patterns on all fractals
2) all SMA/EMAs pointing up
3) all lagging/coincident indi's moving up
4) plus, $GS claimed strong seasonality & massive share buybacks coming in Jan/Feb 5) believing: Powell is always has your back
6) inflation is transitory😉 the US economy is very strong, plus TINA & cash is trash
7) what could possibly go wrong?
8) bullish, all-in, fomo buy @ ATHs & BTF-rip🤣
9) with full margins & 10x lever
10) dreaming buying a super-yacht🍻
Mar 26, 2022 18 tweets 3 min read
warning: a long thread😉

a real story on one of my data mining projects

a few years back, I embarked a huge project trying to find the best standard "indicators" for swing-trading under all market conditions.

I picked several most popular indy's

below is the MACD story. I only trust data, and backtesting is just one of many ways of verifying the data-mining results:

Back-testing usually involves “data mining” which denotes the practice of finding a profitable trading strategy by extensive search through a vast
number of alternative strategies.
Aug 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
super educational material in below thread & sub-threads for Pair-Trading strategies:

I have more to share in the coming days & weeks & months with my latest research employing the latest technology🧐

stay tuned 😉 😎
Aug 1, 2021 28 tweets 9 min read
below chart intrigued me BIGLY

prompted me to dig into more about $VIX behavior pre-crisis

I took this oppor to get all of my prevous notes/studies/programs on $VIX modeling/prediction to compare results for detecting VIX anomalies before crisis to improve my market-top ind's
Jul 26, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
These are from 15-min time frame only

see below

I have separate tables for 1 hr & 4 hr & daily

for now, I only concentrate on a few inidcators:


more later, to test the effectiveness with these ind's or a comnibation of these

when all TFs align, go for it
Apr 27, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
ZH - Nomura Axes Head Of Risk After Revealing More Losses Tied To Archegos Implosion

Nomura also suspended some senior executives, following in the footsteps of $CS

- more cockroaches in the kitchen? 🤣👌 There are 4 different SMA related "breadth" indicators:

index % stocks
1 above 20d SMA
2 above 50d SMA
3 above 100s SMA
4 above 200d SMA

if the index itself (say, S&P-1500) is trading above 20d-SMA, it doesn't make sense to look into % stocks above 100d SMA or 200d SMA.
Apr 26, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
Every weekend,
during the "shaking out the weak hands" attempt,
just BTFD when #BitCoin down ~20%, and found support around 100d-SMA (red line)

works like a charm

50-day SMA also offered a strong support since April 2021

%B (20, 2) also a good confirmation signal around 0 line A. Tuesday Inflation Chart porn:

There is no inflation
inflation is contained
Inflation is transitory 🤣

#1: Bloomberg Commodity Index cash
#2: Bloomberg Agriculture Index Futures

Since May 2020, burrrr4ever to infinity
whatever it takes.

they got what they wanted
Apr 22, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Seagate STX is scheduled to report 3rd fiscal 2021 earnings on Apr 22

STX anticipates third-quarter fiscal 2021 non-GAAP earnings of $1.30 (+/-15 cents) per share.

Priced for perfection. over-valued.

yesterday, $STX put volume surged = 4x 30-day avg

Volume PCR = 5.42👌🧐 ORCL

Volume-PCR for $ORCL surged the last two days with analyst upgrades.🧐

Put volume surged BIGLY yesterday.

somebody always knew in advance

Today $ORCL down -2.3%

$SPX down 40 points.
$VIX above 19 again.
Apr 20, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
that's a quiz🧐

"when most of the Index IVX30HL=0; last Fri"
what does that mean?
ans: 1 yr low

yep. most of the index & ETF IVX30HL ~0 last Fri,
Stonks always go up, what could possibly go wrong?

time to buy VIX calls
or buy SPY puts
on Fri

super leading🍻😎 Small cap (Rut & IWM) was down more than 1.5% Mon

See the puts explosion since last wk on $RUT & $IWM

especially RUT put volume for Mon

massive Put volume demand for $Rut on a -1.5% down day

volume Put/Call ratio=10.87?🦃(wow)
fear of a small-cap crash 🍻🤣

IVXHL surged also
Feb 4, 2021 21 tweets 7 min read
To the new generation of penny stock investors

Penny stock screener


stocks < $1
up 50+%

WSK lotto tickets to da Moon screener

Click 'like' if you want me to keep posting the penny screener with different criteria 🤣🧐

Is this legal? 🍻 Image WSK to da Moon screener

penny price > $0.01
penny price < $2.00

up 20+% today Image
Dec 23, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
To quant followers:

A few good books for Christmas and New Year.

1 Machine Learning for Factor Investing R Version
by Tony Guida; Sep 1, 2020

2 Algorithmic Trading: A Practitioner's Guide Paperback – by Jeffrey M Bacidore; July 20, 2020 3. Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading: Predictive models to extract signals from market and alternative data for systematic trading strategies with Python, 2nd Edition Paperback – July 31, 2020
by Stefan Jansen

- this is the best one for 2020 from my reading list.
Dec 18, 2020 176 tweets 61 min read
if our beloved $SPX tanks 20-30% from here, I would post a looooong BTFD list 😉

stay tuned.

it is coming 🤣 $USD up
$VIX up

$USD up
$VIX up
$SPX down

the correlation between $USD and $VIX > 50%,
since March

If USD == up and SPX == up

if USD ~= 85:
sky is falling 🤣

Plus $JPY correlation, Image
Dec 17, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Equity call/put ratio (equity PCR inverted)


both at "maximum optimism" lvl


NYSE short-interest at lowest level in the last 10 years as posted Sun

what could go wrong?🧐

No more shorts to squeeze
all traders are super bullish, all-in, fomo

👇👇 Dec 16th:

from my magic screener:

STFR idea:

two super over-valued stocks

1 ACGL: close 35.40; high valuation & analysts downgrade
2 AAL: close 16.86; super over-valued; poor analyst rating

STFR & lotto tickets. 🧐👌
Nov 8, 2020 102 tweets 36 min read
Financial Stress Index ticks up to 0.1029 in the week ended Oct. 30 (0=normal)

see previous market corrections right after Financial Stress Index rising above 0 at rapid speed while $SPX $NDX were super bullish, complacent & FOMO

Feb 2018
Dec 2018
Sep 2019
Feb 2020

and Now?🧐 Image Shocking correlation between

1 St. Louis Fed Financial Stress Index and

Since 1994: amzing

To be exact: 26-year correlation = 85% Image
Oct 22, 2020 112 tweets 41 min read
monitor below chart closely.

$NQ just re-tested the lower support level

$NQ low = 11,598

they can't allow to plunge below 11,600 level.

otherwise, tomorrow bloodbath.

see below Support & Resistance levels

super accurate😉

stop-run levels on both sides: bulls & bears👇 $NQ support & strong resistance levels

4-hr chart since Aug

$NQ above 11,600 = strong support (late Aug)
once breaking down below 11,600 (in Sep), then
it became strong resistance


once it breaking above 11,600 (in Oct), it became strong support

super accurate TA? 😉 Image
Oct 17, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
volatility tips: 😉

why "volatility always came in clusters"? people ask

50% fundies & 50% technicals:

1 fundies/shocking-news triggering the first wave spike
2 people not prepared for the shock, scramble to buy protections
3 sell risky assets
4 rotate to safe-havens

#1 of 3 5 trigger dealer & MMs Gamma flip level, exacerbating the VIX spike 2nd wave

6 which in term trigger the over-leveraged weak-hand longs, hitting stop loss levels & margin calls- 3d wave

7 risk-parity funds portf rebalance due to sudden plunge in risky assets. trimming

#2 of 3
Oct 8, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Trump sent call buying signal to his paid service subscribers 10 minutes in advance. 🧐

$REGN OTM calls to da Moon tomorrow.

Blatant stock market manipulation "legally"?

where is $SEC ? 🙃 Read above post

Where is SEC?

Trump is

1 "car" salesman (OTM calls) for stonks
2 insider trading paid service Ponzi sponsor
3 selling insider information for profit
4 blatant stock market manipulation

proof? conspiracy?

$SEC investigate?

call vol & call OI 👇
Sep 3, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
People asking about BTFD indicators:

I have tons of these..

BTFD #1 - Capitulation zone BTFD indicator #2

Maximum pessimism and Capitulation zone

Aug 25, 2020 19 tweets 7 min read
my favorite strategy

$XLY & $WMT spread z-score

z < -1 std => long 1/3 of total lots
long WMT & short h * XLV

z < -2 std => long 2/3 of total lots

z > 0 std => out 1/3 lots
z > +1 std => out 1/3 lots
z > +2 std trailing 1/3 lots

z < -3 std. out. XLY-WMT spread vs $VIX

when XLY-WMT z-score < -1 std (greed zone), #VIX spiking secured in 1-2 wks time-frame

should be confirmed by many of my other breadth & Jaws indicators

also huge warning, when VIX crushed, but the spread rising. stealthy sector rotation in Jan 2018
Aug 23, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
a derivative of this arbitrage strategy is to time your favorite stock

1 if I prefer over based on fundamentals & other economic factors

2 wait for > than ; spread > 2 std

3 then, long ,; short

4 with money mgmt of -10% stop loss and position sizing Hedging or pair trading with SPY, QQQ & SPY-500 sector ETFs


1 correlation>0.8
2 co-integration pvalue<0.05
3 ADF stationary pvalue<0.05

long your favorite stocks & short the index & sector ETFs


short , & long your favorite index & sector ETFs

1 of 3 Image