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Comms and writing, now kesterbrewin on BlueSky. GOD-LIKE history of AI out now. Debut novel MIDDLE CLASS. Shortlisted Bridport ‘20 and Dinesh Allirajah ‘22.
Jun 8, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
Having read @DalrympleWill's superb THE ANARCHY was shocked to see this summary of EIC in @HodderSchools revision guide for @AQA's GCSE History by @ed_podesta. No mention of oppression/exploitation of Indian people. No push to think on the racism in 'THINK' boxes. #BLMUK #BAME 'The Company was boosted further when it gained permission to trade in India without having to pay taxes to the MUGHAL EMPEROR and local rulers.'

Bombay as a 'possession' that could be given to one white European Monarch by another.

Whole focus is on the 'success' to England.