Kyle Knight Profile picture
associate director, LGBT rights @HRW | he/him
Jul 3, 2021 19 tweets 10 min read
Two 18-year-old runners from Namibia were barred Friday from running in the 400 meters at the Olympics because of high natural testosterone levels -- @AP reports:…

🧵on what's going on... Image 1/ The basic strategy of World Athletics is to regulate women’s testosterone levels to be within an arbitrary and largely unscientific range. First, some history...
Jul 30, 2020 19 tweets 15 min read

Join me tomorrow with @SeanSaifaWall @Pidgejen @interACT_adv @IndyaMoore + others to discuss the first US hospital to apologize for medically unnecessary surgeries on #intersex children and pledge to stop them.

Register for the Zoom event:… 3 years ago @HRW published our first ever report investigating and exposing the human rights violations against children born with #intersex traits -- we spoke with intersex kids and adults, their parents, and doctors in charge of their care:…
Dec 13, 2019 13 tweets 41 min read
The Massachusetts Medical Society has just passed a resolution in support of the basic rights of patients with #intersex characteristics to informed consent over their own medical care --

My take for @hrw:… ImageImage @hrw @GLMA_LGBTHealth @BostonGlobe @XOXYKZ @HRC @LambdaLegal @IntersexJustice @bostonpride @LGBTEqCaucus @victor_madrigal The new policy reads that MMS: “Respects the rights of the patient to participate in decisions and, except when life-threatening circumstances require emergency intervention, defers medical or surgical intervention until the child is able to participate in decision making.”