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Nov 3, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
at the end of the day its all just an excuse to be mean. Image @ShifterofShapes is a young gay man born in a conservative muslim culture where he experienced cruelty for his femininity. he came to the US for college & was immediately targeted by gender propaganda into believing his shame and trauma meant that he was supposed to be a "woman"
Sep 21, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
i've seen first hand how eating disorder patients who identify as trans will be "affirmed" and told that transitioning will be a step in resolving their eating disorder. as soon as you say you're trans, all the complexity that makes you human is erased. off to the surgeon! a few years ago when i was struggling with my own problems and i went to a more intensive treatment program, there were a lot of girls who identified as trans there (~25%), as we had a "group therapy" session discussing how "cissexism" leads to eating disorders
Sep 13, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
imagine being a mental health clinician educated to be a true believer in a medical model of human suffering, spending years training to then watch adolescent patients continue to suffer no matter what drugs you throw at them. this is why theyre so attracted to gender ideology. since the mid 2000s, adolescent self harm and suicide has reached uncontrollable levels, and your average clinician will experience a lot of disappointment and failure in their practice. it must be heartbreaking to watch and feel helpless.
Aug 31, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
an adult doctor does not have the personal freedom to chemically sterilize or surgically mutilate children gender treatments dont just occur out of thin air.

its a adult person who takes the action of injecting a child with puberty blockers. it's an adult person who takes the action of surgically removing a girls breasts or a boy's genitals. the children arent doing it to themselves
Jul 22, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
i hate to tweet about this, but its been a month without my suitcase and no end in sight. @AmericanAir has told me its just "another 17 days" until i get my bag

1st it was 48 hrs, then just another few days, then another day, now a month later its "17 days" their employees (once i was able to reach living people) have been nice enough, but the overall customer service has been so dysfunctional and careless i have to warn people to not travel with @AmericanAir if at all possible. if anything goes wrong, youre screwed.
Jun 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
the line is where the behavior of the medical practitioners can be reasonably supported by science and principles of medical ethics. that is not the case right now, the institutions are completely captured, and people are being hurt worse and younger. you have countless vulnerable people (many with autism, trauma, or other issues) getting life ruining surgeries that destroy their ability to function or have relationships forever because doctors, schools, therapists, and peers told them itll be safe and solve all their problems
Jun 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
to those saying "he was an adult"

in what other area of medicine would this EVER be acceptable? to do barbaric experimental surgeries that destroy functioning on a severely unwell person w/o proper information? why is it just "trans people" who deserve to be treated this way? they destroyed this young man's ability to feel safe in his body, enjoy his body, and have intimacy, possibly for the rest of his life. i dont care that he was an adult and he signed a paper, this is CRUEL. its EVIL. no one deserves this.
Jun 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
the painful awkwardness with which they try to explain their ideas to a person outside of their friendship/social group is striking. now imagine how awkward its gonna feel when somebody actually prescribes them testosterone and they try to live out their ideas in the real world with a lot of these "trans" teens, if you just ask them to explain their reasoning, without even any counter-argument, they struggle to do it. i remember being that kid. all it takes is a question and it all starts to unravel, but many dont ask, they just affirm and medicalize.
Jun 7, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
under discussed impact of the internet and social media is how spending so much time living in a cognitively disconnected state online creates the illusion that ppl who know you in the physical world are not from your “real” world, thus are totally foreign & can’t truly know you it’s normal for teens to feel like parents just don’t understand man but being terminally online takes it to a whole new level, especially when online is teaching you a radical political ideology from a young age that’s disconnected from reality, but emotionally stimulating
Jun 6, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
my only major criticism of “what is a woman?”. it could be much more impactful if it was free to watch, & most people who do subscribe to watch it are just going to unsubscribe soon after. very short sighted and disappointing, i hope @MattWalshBlog and @realDailyWire reconsider. if it was free, more people would watch it, enjoy it, share it, and become aware of other daily wire content. instead you have many people who want to check it out and share it frustrated with what comes off as, honestly, cheap and gimmicky. shame since it’s a wonderful film.
Jun 5, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
its complicated. yes, the theme of "gay men" is a common one. but it doesnt necessarily mean attraction to actual gay men in the real world, its more an attraction to a fantasy of becoming a gay man. BUT what a "gay man" is in this case is divorced from the reality of actual gay men. a "gay man" to them isnt a real gay man who acts like a gay man, its this weird feminized imaginary concoction of what they want in a man and what they want to be themselves.
Jun 5, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
pride is when straight girls celebrate their kink for fantasy gay boys look at the comments lolol. its all girls thirsting over the drawing. literally heterosexual. but its "pride🌈✨" because theyre delusionally expecting to take testosterone and their life becomes a harem of gay anime boys
Jun 4, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
the question i have been trying to answer for 4 years lmao. that could be part of it for some in a way but its not really about that, because the image of gay men is an entirely fantastical one. its more about wanting to become a fantasy than wanting to escape something real. the escapist aspect is more rooted in a social immaturity that makes mature, realistic social/relationship dynamics and the unfamiliarity of men intimidating. imo its more related to that than to being scared of straight men because theyre sexist or abusive or something
Jun 4, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
happy #PrideMonth to the straight woman who made this and the straight girls for whom it was made! you can safely assume that any "gay" media today (with the exception of gay porn) is made by and for straight women
Jun 2, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
trans med & medicine generally lacks a concept of thriving & focuses on narrow results outside the context of the whole human being

a trans person's life can be a total wreck, but as long as he doesnt explicitly denounce the transition (yet), cutting his dick off was a "success" this is one of the problems with the dutch research on which medicalization for child gender distress is based. the kids grew up to have no sexual function & loneliness due to difficulty forming relationships, yet bc they reported contentment w/ cosmetic results, thats "success"
May 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read

YOU are the one making women look stupid. everybody on this planet (even you) knows this is nonsense. hand over the bottle sheree youve had a little too much copium. men had to create a womens sports category because they were so scared of all the women taking over and pushing them out of their sports... give me a break.
May 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read

NO I WILL NOT CALL IT ENGLISH BREAKFAST BECAUSE THEY HAVE IT IN WALES AND SCOTLAND TOO my weirdest hangup as an american is welsh erasure and welshphobia, perpetrated by by the evil oppressive English scum
May 19, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
3 tactics trans activist researchers use to fake detransition statistics, making it look super rare:

1. omitting loss to follow up some % (often high, like 30+%) will stop participating in the study. those ppl are just not factored in to final statistics.

a study might say “only 0.001% of people regret their surgery”

but that’s 0.001% of ppl who REMAINED in the study. what about the 35% who disappeared?
May 18, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
i watched this video forever ago of a woman who worked at colonial williamsburg talking about what it was like to wear authentic 18th century clothing styles on a daily basis for 5 years, and im still thinking about her response to comments like "i bet it was so uncomfortable" she basically says that yes, it wasnt as physically comfortable as wearing sweatpants, but she got a mental comfort that cant be experienced in typical modern fashion because due to the lack of various technological achievements, clothing of the past needed to be more functional
May 16, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
i criticized the feminist movement for harboring narcissistic behavior, after years of experiencing said narcissistic behavior. maybe if you people were even remotely open to criticism and didn’t immediately attack any women who express it i wouldn’t call you narcissistic. they think a little meme detailing a narcissistic mindset i’ve observed in their movement is ridicule but you can read the quote tweets on it to get a sense of what ridicule actually is
May 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
i might be a feminist if the movements available were anything more than hug boxes for scorned narcissists taking out their high school grievances and childhood trauma on other women i understand it’s not all feminists. but even those tend to be more preoccupied with explaining how No True Feminist would do X Y or Z, instead of confronting the problems within their movement that lead to women like me becoming so disillusioned.