Charlie Wiser Profile picture
I contest this little packet of false information. 🤖Entity/unit🕵"unapproachable"🌈Traumatized intel agent👾"Sad & pathetic" -Ross Coulthart🪩
Al Stevens Profile picture liz e Profile picture 2 subscribed
May 2 10 tweets 4 min read
A timely reminder: YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU SAW.

This sighting of 4 silver discs from 2 years ago was captured on a phone camera and uploaded to YouTube where it quickly did the rounds.

Awesome footage! But wait...🧵 Image Because the photographer had the exact time and location of his sighting, the 4 "discs" were identified within 2 hours on Metabunk as the RAAF aerobatics team, the Roulettes, flying in formation.

Moments later they appeared on cue at a livestreamed memorial ceremony. Image
Apr 18 6 tweets 2 min read
Two years ago Angelia Schultz/Anjali/@anjaliongaia publicized her texts that accused me of one of the most disgusting things a person can do: wrongly accuse a man of r-ping her.

Now she's spreading a false story that I did something else heinous.🧵 Image The full story of how Charlie Wiser stole Christmas is coming soon. This thread⬇️recaps the previous accusation, the lie she told to encourage her hosts to join her lawsuit against me.
Nov 6, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
48 years ago today, woodcutters Travis Walton and Mike Rogers cooked up a plot to trick their five co-workers into becoming credible witnesses to a UFO sighting and abduction - for a shot at a $100K prize.🧵…
Image Mike made the men work until dark, then drove home via a new route that passed Gentry Fire Tower, which was lit up by an accomplice.
He stopped the truck in just the right spot, so it looked like a UFO hovering in the trees. Image
Dec 5, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Dr Garry Nolan was interviewed on The Debrief. Towards the end, he volunteered to talk about Jim’s ball shavings.
Big mistake.

A THREAD with no instruction manual.
Nolan says people are always asking him to analyze stuff, but if it’s just a rock they found on the beach he won’t do it.

It’s gotta have a “chain of evidence”.

A metal ball from Dennis Hopper’s bodyguard that Jane Fonda fondled? BRING IT ON!
Aug 23, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
A photographer from the Daily Record was on @ALIEN_I_ADDICT's podcast - in 1993 he saw duplicates of all 6 Calvine negatives and talked about what he remembers.
His main takeaway was that Lindsay's print is out-of-focus compared to the negatives he saw. He recalls more detail on the craft (seams) and thought it looked metallic and manmade.
He thinks the photo is cropped, the negatives showed a little bit of landscape.
Aug 22, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Ross Coulthart awkwardly measured the circumference of Jim's ball at 32", diam = 10.2".
Let's call it 10" because he used a metal tape that doesn't curve when he could've used a piece of string or literally anything floppy, then measured the floppy thing like a smart person... Jim's ball weighed 50.0lb.
This ball check valve manufacturer makes 10" balls that weigh 51.82lb, total diam. 11.81" - I assume this extra diam. is the rubber coating. Without it the ball would be a little lighter... perhaps 50lb?…
Aug 22, 2022 21 tweets 7 min read
Ross Coulthart’s 7NEWS Spotlight “Out of this world” (Aug 21, 2022) promised us “conclusive proof”, “testable evidence of alien technology”, and a “renowned scientist” who “confirms it all”.

A THREAD where the only noteworthy thing you’ll get is Pink Floyd and one lady, briefly. This is junk TV at its worst, exemplified by quickfire footage without context - unlabeled CGI aliens, CGI craft, flares, balloons, actual UAPs and overdubbed audio, and soundbytes to give the illusion people are claiming things they never claimed.

Who’s the disinfo agent here?
Aug 21, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
re. Ross Coulhart's dumb sphere:
An artist who acquired several of these spheres from a value manufacturer drove through Jacksonville in 1971 and lost a few from the roof rack of his VW bus. This was reported back in 1974 but gotta keep an open mind, right? Image It rolls because it's not perfectly round. It has bits inside from the re-machining process to make it rounder.
It's part of a ball check valve when covered in rubber. Comes in all sizes.
Does Ross chew ANYTHING before swallowing whole?
#gullible #oneforthemoney Image
Aug 20, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
That remote in your car's cupholder signals an invisible dragon living in your garage to wake up and open the rollerdoor.
You can prove this is true by removing the remote's battery: the dragon no longer wakes up and the door doesn't roll open.
#ThisIsUfology The invisible dragon in your garage is Sagan's well-known explanation of pseudoscience.
Ufology's "just so" stories are one example taken to the extreme - pile conspiracy upon conspiracy to explain events with ordinary explanations.
Jul 6, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Westall 1966: Dozens of witness accounts, many of them conflicting impossibly. There is no grand unifying theory that can reconcile everything.

To get close to the truth, it's time to accept that some accounts are misremembered, exaggerated, or outright fabricated. A researcher collecting these accounts is doing "research", for sure - but failing to use any discernment whatsoever makes the researcher a witness advocate, not a solver-of-mysteries.

Add financial and emotional stakes, and we will get nowhere.
Jun 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Cynthia Hind was a UFO enthusiast in Harare, Zimbabwe, with a newsletter. She once wrote sometimes there wasn't much to report (in all of Africa!).
When she arrived at Ariel on Tuesday 20th, she seemed excited about her chance to put Africa on the map... In front of the kids and a bemused headmaster, she said:

"They did tell me from London this could be the biggest story of the 20th century... Also, America’s been on the line.”
Jun 12, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
Ariel Phenomenon (2022) - a labor of love for witnesses & fans of the story. No dissenting voices allowed!
Nickerson's background informs his belief this was aliens. He has no emotional (or financial) incentive to be balanced.

A THREAD on what I learned from watching the film. Adults standing by a story they believed as kids isn’t persuasive.
Yes, it affected them.
No, time doesn’t improve memory.

There was no independent testimony then, there’s none now - they’re in touch via a Facebook group.

Still, the kids’ initial testimony is the best we have.
Jun 11, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I asked Ariel Phenomenon's account about this - no response yet.
Lisil Field answers to "Lisel Pillay" in the 1994 footage. Lisil was in grade 4. But Lisel Pillay's pic, which matches what we see Lisil draw, says grade 6. She left Ariel in 1996. Something doesn't add up. Image Here's the timestamped clip of her answering to "Lisel Pillay". (The name change isn't the issue - the grade level is.)
Apr 4, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
Sleep paralysis fascinates me, because I’ve suffered from it since I was a teen (do you?) and because it seems to have much in common with alien abduction tales.

THREAD: My summary of a metastudy looking at the correlation between sleep paralysis and various factors. Image Sleep paralysis usu occurs while falling asleep or waking up. You’re awake but can’t move except eyes & breathing.
You may experience:
-hallucinations (visual, auditory)
-evil presence
-pressure on chest
-illusory movement (e.g. levitation)
-out of body
-fear, distress
-bliss Image
Feb 28, 2022 19 tweets 6 min read
Trisha: Anjali tried to make it seem like we were going to be a part of [the libel suit against you]. I was like, “Oh hell, no!”
Wayne: That’s what made me reach out to you.

A THREAD about two people who want to remove themselves from the story.
#ufotwitter RECAP: Anjali says she met Wayne & Trisha in Jan 2018, walked through a tunnel he'd dug in his mountain, and met aliens.

I just spoke to Wayne and Trisha for over an hour.

I asked for their version of what happened that day.
Feb 28, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
Anjali retweeted James A Conrad confirming she was examined by EMTs at a mountain home on Jan 21, 2018, the date of her experience.
This THREAD is about how one Wayne became... I said there was one Wayne – I was wrong.

James found a possible Wayne in Sep '21. We researched details from Anjali’s story and I told Steven Cambian, who called him. Anjali appeared to confirm to Steven it was the right Wayne.

The matching bio details are coincidences.
Feb 26, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Where does love n’ light go when someone refuses to play along with its alien shit?
To its lawyer!
What a brilliant way to NOT want money and NOT want to concern itself in worldly affairs.
A THREAD Image One of Anjali’s friends – we’ll call him Stu and he seems earnest & honest – told me the ONLY excuse she gave him for No Teapot Expedition is my website.

The REAL issue causing her relationship with Wayne to sour, she says, is that I wrote he drugged & r---- her.
Jan 22, 2022 25 tweets 7 min read
A THREAD about evil deception.

Steve Pierce, originally from Texas, was 17 years old, cutting and piling wood for the Forest Service near Heber, AZ, in November 1975...

...when he witnessed a glowing craft zap his crewmate Travis Walton. During the 5 days Travis was missing, the crew fell under suspicion of murder.

Steve’s mom didn’t believe the silly story about a UFO that had zapped and abducted Travis.
“She said I needed to get on my knees and repent.”
Dec 9, 2021 21 tweets 7 min read
UNSKINNY BOP: A THREAD about seeing what you want to see when what you see is fake.

A summary of research done mostly by Reddit users BrooklynRobot & RedDwarfBee last year. Check out this sub for tons of details: Four videos of Skinny Bob were uploaded to YouTube by Ivan0135 in April-May 2011, supposedly KGB film footage from 1942-69 of alien visitors.

The videos are 5 min total - I’m focusing more on the 37 seconds depicting grey(s) in motion.…
Dec 9, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
1/ Su hasn’t provided footage of her P’nti to rival Skinny Bob (greys who crashed on Earth decades ago) but the P’nti confirmed his video is real, that Bob’s people are their smarter cousins from a Zeta area nation, and that Bob himself is deceased.
2/ If Cmd. Tlkm from P'ntl is wrong about Skinny Bob being real, and not faked, what does that tell you about Cmd. Tlkm from P'ntl? He was also wrong about the Hills’ infamous star map that definitely does not show Zeta Reticuli.
(Click & scroll:…)
Dec 2, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Anjali has announced the end of life as we know it. The lavvybeans were supposed to help us with this transition but they and their soft disclosure are stuck in Wayne's mountain.

Mounting the #TeapotExpedition has become more urgent than ever.

Or has it? We all know Anjali will drop the Teapot Expedition to bring back irrefutable evidence of a physical ET base in Wayne's mountain.
The question is: will she be transparent about what the Wayne subplot was really all about?
One thing's for sure: it was badly written.