Sound money advocate. Litecoin enthusiast. Trying to make cents of the world. 😌✌️
May 31, 2023 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
Historically, Litecoin's network metrics experience a significant boost vs. Bitcoin's at the peak of bull markets, but, this process seems to have begun a bit sooner than expected near market cycle lows. What the heck is going on?
Let's take a dive. 👇 1/13
Litecoin, often considered the digital silver to Bitcoin's gold, is known for its cheap transaction fees and more readily available block space vs. Bitcoin's. Not to mention, Litecoin is the *oldest* alternative currency still thriving on most exchanges.
1) Less than a week ago, MWEB, the largest upgrade of the Litecoin network ever, successfully launched. Essentially, MWEB is an opt-in feature that provides fungibility and confidentiality improvements for day to day transacting, along with the inability to view address balances.
2) This is the equivalent of walking at the store with your personal wallet stored away so that random bystanders can’t see what’s in it. Today, popular crypto’s such as Bitcoin lack this feature and one must publicly display their holdings. Upon completion of a transaction at ..
Dec 18, 2021 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
⏰Litecoin's Bull Case re-visited
As the longest surviving crypto aside from BTC, Litecoin, now 10 years old, has seen a lot over the years. Recycled comments about it being a "boring coin" have dated back to 2011 on its BitcoinTalk thread, but, it's still here. Why?
Cutting to the chase, it's proven to be reliable (it has the longest continuous uptime of ANY crypto), is convenient and very cheap to transact with (the infrastructure is already built), non-security like (fairly launched and so far, regulation friendly), and has a very loyal
Oct 16, 2021 • 18 tweets • 4 min read
*What is Litecoin's "MWEB?"*
Intro: 1) #Litecoin is closely approaching its second major deviation from Bitcoin--the first being Litecoin's implementation of SegWit prior to BTC in '17 and, the second being #MWEB (Mimblewimble Extension Blocks), which is nearing its release. 2) MWEB is the *largest* upgrade to the Litecoin network there's ever been, headed not by BTC devs but, rather by Grin ++ (an MW protocol) developer @DavidBurkett38.
MWEB is set out to improve two key features lacking from Bitcoin and Litecoin--fungibility and privacy.
Jan 3, 2021 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
Although Litecoin ended 2020 as one of the best performing crypto’s, there continues to be regurgitated fear mongering. With this thread, I’d like to answer doubts and misinformation so new people entering the space are better-informed.
We’ll start off with Charlie selling 👇
Charlie Lee (the guy who created Litecoin) sold his Litecoin stack in ‘17. Fear mongers think this action doomed the project. His reasoning was he could not speak freely about the project without somehow influencing the price, potentially acting as a conflict of interest. Also,