Luciana Berger Profile picture
Managing Director of Advocacy & Public Affairs @EdelmanUK | Chair @MMHAlliance | #mentalhealth |
Feb 16, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
This is 1 of 2 complaints in the past 2 days alone where details have come into the public domain and @UKLabour appears to change its mind about whether they are in fact instances of antisemitism which warrant action.

In this case👇🏼the response is now: “(the) email sent to complainants in October from the London Regional Office telling them no further action was being taken may have been sent in error.”

(Note the word “may”.)
Nov 16, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read

I missed #bbcqt last night but for the hundreds of people tweeting/RTing - including from 1 MP - messages denying I had police with me at party conference/saying it’s a smear this is what the police said.

Read it closely.

The clue is in the word “armed”. The police with me weren’t carrying guns. But they had tasers & batons.

I’m not posting a photo of them because there are plenty out there. But they were with me all of the time, for the entirety of conference, when I walked to the many events outside of the secure zone.
Nov 10, 2018 6 tweets 3 min read
I am not a bystander.

As an elected Member of Parliament it is my responsibility, on behalf of my constituents, to do everything possible to secure a bright future for our country - brimming with opportunity, jobs & prosperity. But by the Govt’s own assessments (let alone the many independent reports/inquiries from @CommonsHomeAffs @CommonsHealth etc) Brexit will take us in the wrong direction.

We will see economic growth contract, unemployment & poverty increase. The gap between rich and poor widen.
Oct 22, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
A busy afternoon in the Chamber with 2 Urgent Questions and a Statement from @therea_may. It’s clear after today that we won’t be having anything like a “meaningful vote”, as was promised. I asked @theresa_may what she had to say to the thousands of young people that took part in the #PeoplesVoteMarch, who didn’t get a say in the referendum. Her answer won’t provide any solace to the next generation.
Jun 15, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read

There is an antisemitism problem in @UKLabour.

@jeremycorbyn and the leadership have accepted there is an antisemitism problem in @UKLabour.

After a demonstration in Parliament Square and various meetings we were told that the antisemitism problem @UKLabour @jeremycorbyn would now be taken seriously, and an in house legal counsel would be appointed to contend with the backlog of alleged antisemitism cases waiting to be processed.

Over a month ago, myself and others raised concerns directly with the party about the person rumoured to be
Dec 3, 2017 19 tweets 6 min read
THREAD >> I was really looking forward to the Government’s much anticipated Green Paper on young people’s mental health. I’m flattered they’ve taken a proposal from our 2015 Labour manifesto (p.47)…