How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App do me some #lawtwitter and live-read this. Let’s go.🧵version: Ostrom uncovered design principles that made commons more resilient over long time periods, by studying 900+ IRL commons. She was not dogmatic about the rules: in different circumstances the humans in a system could/would adjust. And adjust open has! license is very clearly not Open Source. And that means companies should use models licensed under it with some trepidation; the essential *predictability* of traditional open is missing. should preface this by saying that this is all new law, based on analogy to some very old things, and rarely tested in court (because, in programmer terms, there is no CI and each test framework execution is 💸. So lawyers are necessarily making some guesses when discussing it. ODbL drafting group was very optimistic about making copyleft possible in data, but we did not think pessimistically enough about the challenges; or perhaps we did but did not communicate them well enough to the client. future blog topics: Do we still expect “mass gathering of innovators and participants” primarily (or even in part) by dint of an open source license? Data clearly says no (median # of participants on both SourceForge and GH: 1), but...