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Senior Cybersecurity Consultant (DART) @Microsoft. Opinions are my own. #MSIncidentResponse #DART #Microsoft365 #EntraID #DefenderXDR #Sentinel
Feb 16, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Do you know how authentication works in #AzureAD? The purpose of #authentication is to verify that we really are who we say we are. But how is it possible that our login remains active even if we close the browser? Let's take a look at how tokens work in Azure AD. [1/5] After a successfully authentication, Azure AD issues a set of #tokens. An access token defaults to one hour and grants the user access to a single resource. If a user accesses multiple resources, they will have multiple access tokens. [2/5]
Feb 13, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
#OrganizationalUnits (OU) are a way to assign permissions to only certain parts of the organization in onprem #ActiveDirectory. Very often it is unwanted for admins to have permissions over the entire organization. But how to achieve this in Azure AD? [1/4] Image For a long time, this was not possible, and companies wanted some equivalent of OUs. That's why in Azure AD we have #AdministrativeUnits (AU), which is the equivalent of organizational units from Active Directory. [2/4]