How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App'm joking but this isn't a laughing matter: @NEAtoday asked Twitter to suppress users who expose how CRT is applied in K-12 public schools, then they suspended @chalkboardrev and their staff, suppressed @scottzipperle's video on CRT, and throttled @Heritage_Action's account 👇 course if *Biden* wins all the black bloc anarchists will fade away. The inauguration will be packed *because people will know they can come without fear of bodily harm* - people would even be safe to bring their children—a luxury we didn't have in 2016 a conservative said things like this (not that they would) these very same people would suddenly be very self aware and realize they were bullying and ascribing horrid things to a woman and family whose names they didn’t even know. Why @BrianBoucher?