David Brennan Profile picture
Rambling twitterings from the mind of a Glaswegian helmet camera multi-modalist. + renewable heating, energy. CEO of a biotech. He/him 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇪🇺🇺🇦
May 7, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Scientists have come up with a new innovative form of transport. This form of transport is by far the most efficient in converting energy to motion and thus the most green mode of transportation (excluding walking if you include manufacturing emissions). It can easily allow... ...for 10 mile trips in an hour and with increased user practice that can increase to 15. It causes no local CO2 or toxic gases, significantly reduces road wear and thus reduces long term road repairs. Users of this innovation significantly benefit from using this transport...
Nov 8, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Whilst MPs in Scotland have little direct input in Scottish and council transport policy, they are inevitably influential figures in local politics. Thus I decided to find out what East Dunbartonshire's SNP candidate's opinion of extending #bearsway was. What follows is my ... ... question, @AmyCallaghanSNP answer and my response.....
Question : I was wondering what your views are on Bearsway and possible future extension? I understand that if you were to become an MP this wouldn't really be under your remit, but as local MP you would have...
Mar 20, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Court today. Driver was charged with two counts of dangerous. One for aggressive (IMO) close pass and one of using mobile phone to take a picture whilst moving with both hands off the wheel. Mobile phone use found guilty of dangerous. 1 year ban. £750 fine. Driving dropped... ... to careless (but top end of...) points endorsement (no figure given) and £500 fine. Will have to sit extended test. Driver had two previous convictions. One was a ban.
I was grilled for an hour on manufacturing the incident, cycling too far out, not using lane on other...
Mar 1, 2019 24 tweets 8 min read
Oooh Twitter...... Oooooooo dear Twitter..... I might just have a wee update for you. Yup #hermesgate is back. There may be some of you who aren't aware of #hermesgate. So before the update, here's a wee summary..... On the 28th of January I ordered a breadmaker on Amazon. Concerned about possible hard #brexit food shortage, and actually just wanting a breadmaker as we'd had one in the past, buying one seemed like a good idea. Amazon had a one day special price of £87 so I went for it.
Dec 30, 2018 18 tweets 4 min read
Something that is often overlooked about riding a bike in a city, is that it opens your eyes. Your see things you never saw, or at least noticed, before. Early in 2005 I had only ever rode a bike as a kid. In my local area and the occasional longer canal path ride... 1/n ... but never with traffic and absolutely never in a city. With the birth of my first child I had a choice, buy another car, or buy a bike. I chose a bike. Why? I'm not sure why. Probably as it would cost a lot less and help keep me fit.
I knew nothing of the issues that... 2/n
Sep 15, 2018 13 tweets 3 min read
I'm often asked if I've reported an incident I've shared. The reality is I only rarely do go to the police. Unfortunately going to the police is not easy. First, you need to hope you get a sympathetic officer. Sometimes you do. Sometimes you get sneared at. Sometimes 1/n... .... you get dismissed. Sometimes you have to argue with them that, yes driving a car 30cm from my arm at 40mph is dangerous. Then, when they do take it seriously, it takes time to do the statement and burn the videos to CD. Then you rarely hear from the police again 2/n...
Jun 1, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
You may have seen a video I published recently showing some driving that resulted in the driver being charged with two counts of dangerous driving. I posted the video after I had heard the the charges were dropped. It turns out that was wrong. In fact the driver (1/10) ... in this case is now going through the court process and I may be called to a trial at a later date. I actually got two cases mixed up. The reason this happened is very interesting...In February last year (2017) I reported an incident where I was very nearly rear ended.. 2/10