Marc Young Profile picture
Berlin-based editor for @Shure. Tweets are mine, all mine!
Dec 20, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
As someone who used to work at @SPIEGELONLINE's English shop, here's my two cents on the #Relotius #SpiegelGate affair: Spiegel has always worshipped the "Edelfeder" fancypants wordsmith to the detriment of its journalism. Each issue could be half as thick and say twice as much. What the mag needs is stronger editors who tell Mr. Edelfeder: "Great story, Lutz. Now cut out 2000 words of fluff and back all this flowery crap up. Don't bother to file until you've done that." Instead, Mr. Edelfeder gets to write whatever the hell he (it's always a he) wants.