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🛠️ Building people, building products. 🏨 CEO at & 🧑‍🏫 Chief mentor at @hnginternship.
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Apr 3, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This is Uyo International Airport. 5 landing spots for planes, and with a runway the same length as Lagos and Abuja. Port Harcourt Airport is nearby, the question is - can Uyo Airport steal passengers from Port Harcourt International? Realistically, these are the only locations where it makes sense to drive to the new Uyo Intl Airport: Uyo, Calabar, Eket, Ikot Ekpene, Aba, Umuahia. Do these locations have enough international travellers to make the airport viable?
Mar 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
There is an error in the Nigeria Electoral Act, 2022 that could have implications. Section (64)(4b) says: "A collation officer or returning officer at an election shall collate and announce the result of an election, subject to his or her verification and confirmation that the... ...the votes stated on the collated result are correct and consistent with the votes or results recorded and transmitted directly from polling units under section 60 (4) of this Act." But if we go and look at section 60(4), it says...
Feb 20, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Murtala Muhammed Airport in Lagos is not just the worst airport in the world, it's probably one of the worst run, worst designed, worst thought out places in Nigeria itself. Things that don't make sense, a thread: You have to drop off on a road that is one road away from the airport. There is no walkway to get to the airport, instead you walk back down the same road, trying to avoid other cars that are trying to drop off other people. And then you go into the first road at a Y junction.
Feb 19, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
This is my math-based analysis of the Nigeria 2023 election. Tinubu will win the popular vote (10.7 million votes). PDP will win the most states, but come lowest in the votes (8.7m votes). So there will be a run-off election - LP/APC. I will post each state below in the thread. Abia: PDP - 58,726 votes / APC - 55,133 votes / LP - 504,902 votes.

Adamawa: PDP - 331,343 / APC - 209,851 / LP - 76,227

Akwa Ibom: PDP - 156,460 / APC - 140,170 / LP 382,683

Anambra: PDP - 54,324 / APC - 101,405 / LP - 802,551
Dec 27, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
My predictions for 2023: 1. Stock prices continue to stay low. Tech company valuations start to be like most other companies 2. War: China may attack Taiwan, Israel may annex Palestine fully, Russia would continue in Ukraine. 3. Europe closes to asylum seekers further. Europe will get harsher and harsher on illegal migration, and would have a mostly closed borders policy. 4. New companies will come up built on generative AI and big models. More models for robotics, and many other things. OpenAI will have to compete fiercely. 5. European car...
Apr 21, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
So - what's the deal with Africa, and is it going to be a big tech market like SE-Asia, China and so on? Here is my analysis based on the time I have spent here: First things first, there is no difference between Africans and the rest of the world. There are a lot of people who still think that Africans are somehow dumber or different, and the outcome of the continent will somehow be different, this is absolutely false and wrong.
Apr 21, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
The war in Ukraine is getting far more dangerous for the global economy. The first Russia attack was to capture a hostile capital city. That failed. Now Russia is taking control of an area that was already partially rebel held. That area has broad Russia support. It means front lines will properly build, with Ukraine on one side, and Russia on the other side. People will flee from both sides into the other side, so on the one side are people who support Russia and on the other are people who support Ukraine. There is no longer an easy resolution.
Nov 9, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
An analogy for the Post-Covid economy: A family with 5 teenage kids, 2 parents and a grandpa lived together. After Covid, grandpa is dead, Dad is now working from home, and Govt gave $2k to everyone in the family. Also, the bank is now lending money at almost no interest rate. Dad goes get a mortgage. Mum takes a loan to buy a car. Dad has some extra cash because Grandpa's bills are not there, so he orders a Garden house. Son quits his job because he 'rich'. Daughter orders a new playstation with her $2k. Other son buys crypto and makes $10k.
Nov 8, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
How air travel can be made far more pleasant: 1. You board your plane (with no security check at all) in the city in a train. This train heads towards the airport. While it is going, you place your standardized, smart suitcases in a place in the train. It is auto scanned. Any suitcase with issues is separated and the owners asked to come sort it out. While this is on-going, everyone is scanning their passports and other matters on a screen in front of their seat in the train. If fine, you are cleared to proceed. You then go to the front carriage.
Nov 6, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Africa needs a new Government structure. The base should be nations, which are fully autonomous units made up of ethnic groups that choose to work together. A group of nations with shared values unite to form a country with a single army. The central Governments of these nations should be like the EU, while the nations have their own president, system, etc. A nation can choose to switch country in the same way Britain did Brexit.
Oct 3, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
There are many flaws in twitter that could be fixed in just a few lines of code - but significantly improve the experience. I wish someone at twitter product would let us point out some of these things. For example: once people cross a certain threshold in daily followers, stop splitting out the followers. Show follow notifications once a day, and all grouped together
Aug 8, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
A human village has a mix of different types of people. Some nerds, some warriors, some farmers, etc. Depending on various things, the ratio of those people would need to change. E.g why have lots of warrior types if the village has had no wars in a thousand years? For this ratio to change, it needs to be heritable. Being a farmer is not heritable, but the personality type. Which is formed from things like ability to past attention, calmness, curiosity and so on. This combination of traits also forms what we call intelligence.
Aug 3, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
For you to be happy, you need little wins every day. Let's say 3 to 4 wins. But most people are working on stuff that gives them infrequent wins - e.g every other month. So it's important to keep your brain 'fed' with wins to avoid it feeling like it's not useful to society. You can do that either with something non-work (like a sport), or by changing the nature of your work to provide you with more frequent wins. Also, what you tell yourself is the most important thing you are doing affects it - some people trudge through work and enjoy the gym.
Jun 2, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The last tweet is why I advocate Nigeria goes back to regions, and give up the oil wealth in the process. All off-shore oil goes to Abuja. Everyone else earns from what they have. Let Enugu have it's coal, Zamfara it's Gold, Delta it's on-shore oil. No more sharing from the center. All off-shore oil revenues develop Abuja (the state), fund the army and international matters. Each region becomes fully self-sufficient via their own minerals and their own taxes.
Jun 2, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Buhari made a tweet that got deleted by twitter for being genocidal against a minority. That is the current state of Nigeria - a Govt of all that has turned against it's people. That is when a Govt really fails - when it only represents itself. Govt is given legitimacy because it represents who the people want guiding them. This Govt has clearly lost that - there are large swathes of the country that don't want it - the sit-at-home for example, was a referendum on this Govt.
Oct 23, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ The way forward for #EndSars is not street protests any more. It is technology, community and organising. We have to achieve what we started this for - and that means changing tactics. The point has been made, they are listening. Now we talk. 2/ We need to come together as a community to vote for the demands we have from Govt. We have found our voice - now we start talking. We need to select people who will negotiate with Govt on our behalf - not leaders, but negotiators who table our pre-selected demands.
Oct 13, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
This is the truth about the Nigeria police: 1. Bail is not free. It's also not bail - it's just a bribe you pay to be released. 2. They don't investigate. They arrest people who have done nothing and ask them to 'produce' the suspect. The arrested people have to investigate. Most states have got a station or a place where police take people found with guns or accused of violent crimes and simple kill them. Accused people are beaten violently in custody till they confess or reveal their accomplices. People are killed in front of others so they confess
Sep 12, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Some reasons why it can be difficult to make better B2B software work well in the market.

1. It's not actually better. It may look different, but make not solve all edge cases of your target customer.

2. The incumbent is trusted, and have personal relationships with the client 3. Pricing is not a concern. Companies that earn $1bn do not care about $100k. So you can't drop price to gain marketshare.

4. The category is mature and the incumbents are advertising based on LTV and not a CAC.

5. All the UI of the software look the same, ...
Sep 8, 2020 13 tweets 2 min read
Nigeria needs to move away from service and trade entrepreneurship to manufacturing entrepreneurship. But how? Here are some of my ideas: 1. No idle land in the Delta policy. Work with state governments to ensure that any idle land has the latest imported palm trees planted. It does not matter who owns the land - it just should not be idle. Palm Fruit always gets sold, and will always result in someone getting richer. The benefit may not be direct via tax, but it will be indirect. The Niger-Delta is already covered in palms, it's a matter of now...
Sep 1, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Let me do a thread as to what I think the fair value of the naira is. I've said this a while back, but I will repeat again since we are in a currency movement period. First of all, there is no actual target value for the naira. It's just a number, and can be anything. The real measure of the strength of a currency is the productivity of the citizens of that country compared to the global average. This productivity does not need to be exported, it can just internal productivity without any exports.
Aug 9, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ The fate of sub-saharan Africa rests on Nigeria. It's the biggest and most influential country. If Nigeria is able to fix itself to become like Indonesia or Brazil, the rest of the continent will follow. Will it happen? The issue is not with the Govt, it's with the system. 2/ Nigeria is extremely unproductive. Nobody is doing anything except feeding on the oil money. As the population has grown, the money has become less, so the currency has devalued, making the people actually poorer.