Business & Policy Manager at @ptsafetylearn. Tweets on patient safety and a random assortment of other things. Views/opinions expressed entirely my own.
(1/12) Today @ptsafetylearn have shared a new analysis of the findings of the investigation into maternity & neonatal services at the East Kent Hospitals, published last month. This thread provides a brief summary of this⬇️…
(2/12) The investigation covered serious safety failings, avoidable patient harm and deaths between 2009 and 2020. It makes a difficult read, finding that if nationally recognised standards had been followed, the outcome could have been different in 97 of the 202 cases reviewed.
In a new blog today, @ptsafetylearn analyses a recent Government response outlining action being taken by the NHS to prevent these serious #patientsafety incidents…
2/6) Last year a Expert Working Group published an important report on the issue of surgical fires in the NHS, which included a number of recommendations aimed at the prevention of these serious patient safety incidents…