Mars Jonathan Fields Profile picture
Croatian actor-director and writer bent on world domination. Provides socio-political commentary no one asked for. Prvi bećar Londona. Author @geopoliticaldog.
Jun 10, 2022 26 tweets 4 min read
Vraćao sam se sa prijateljem sa jednoga eventa, prolazili pored hotela u čijem podrumu je noćni klub.

Odjednom se nešto zatrči prema nama i udari prijatelja, koji je padao glavom na rub pločnika. Skočio sam da ga odbacim da padne na travu, i probudio se iz kome 4 dana kasnije. U sobi su mi se nalazila tri policajca. Kažu doktori mozak ti još uvijek krvari, ako ne uspijemo zaustavit, morat ćemo ti bušiti lubanju. Život ti je i dalje u opasnosti. Imat ćeš stalne posljedice, smanjen sluh na lijevo uho, metaliziran okus i miris, migrene, vrtoglavice.
Mar 24, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Let me dumb down what's going on with the UK, the EU and AstraZeneca:

The UK and the US have effective export bans, the EU does not. The EU has exported 45 million vaccines to the world, including 10 million to the UK, while receiving not a single dose from the UK. The UK government, desperate to vindicate Brexit shambles, have spun this situation to great effect, with Anglo-American media doing their bidding. The EU is viciously attacked for an export ban that doesn't exist, and for "botched vaccination efforts", which is a hyperbole.
Aug 28, 2020 25 tweets 4 min read
Evo još jedno mišljenje Twitteraša koje apsolutno ama baš nitko nije tražio o tome kakvo Pravo Muško (TM) mora biti - a thread.

Pravo Muško bi trebalo:

1. Biti samodostatno. Žena nije tu da ti kuha, pere, pegla, idiote glupi lijeni prahistorijski. Digni dupe i oribaj kupatilo. 2. (nastavak prvog) Znati kuhati. Impresioniraj je u kuhinji (koja se blista!) prije nego je impresioniraš u krevetu.

3. Znati se prezentirati vizualno na privlačan način. Potrudi se biti uredan, mirišljav, lijepo i prikladno odjeven.

4. Znati zašiti dugme ako ti otpadne.
Jul 10, 2018 21 tweets 4 min read
With increased interest in #Croatia due to #WorldCup success, here's a short history lesson about the place:

A Slavic tribe named Croatians came to the area of modern-day Croatia in the 7th century, then promply began having sex with everything that moved for the next 200 years. Some scientists suggest the word 'Croatian' means 'friend', which, with all the Netflix & chill going on, sounds just about right. Anyway, after 200 years of bow chicka wow wow with anything with a pulse, a modern-day nation of Croatia was born.