Our team working on ML for chemistry/drug discovery was unfortunately affected by the recent layoffs at Google.
I’m still very much interested in how new technologies can accelerate research in the life and natural sciences.
If you know of open roles for which expertise in ML, simulation, or modelling as applied to drug/protein/materials design is sought, please feel free to reach out -- any pointer will be much appreciated!
Jul 29, 2022 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
1/5 In this work, we introduce a quantitative measure of roughness for molecular property landscapes. @cwcoley@MITChemE@MITIBMLab
arxiv.org/abs/2207.092502/5 In molecular design, structure-property relationships are often qualitatively or quantitatively analyzed to guide the navigation of chemical space, with rougher landscapes generally expected to pose tougher optimization challenges.
May 23, 2022 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
1/7 In this preprint, @cwcoley and myself try to expand the domain of applicability of graph-based representations and models from well-defined molecules to materials that are ensembles of similar molecules, like polymers. arxiv.org/abs/2205.086192/7 We focus in particular on copolymers. The core idea is simple: describe a molecular ensemble by its average graph structure using weighted edges. For polymers, this captures the average repeating unit. We then used an MPNN with messages weighted accordingly.