Matt Klein Profile picture
CTO @bitdriftio. @envoyproxy creator. Husband of @rjoslyn & dad.
6 subscribers
Aug 8, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
I've been spend a bunch of my "spare" "manager" time lately working on fixing @EnvoyProxy test flakes. A few thoughts on testing. 🧵 We have invested heavily in Envoy testing. Our line coverage is > 97% split across unit tests (with mocks), integration tests (fake clients and upstream servers using real networking), and fuzzing. The effort here pays off: our velocity is high with relatively few regressions.
Jul 11, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
The perception in our industry that you need to "love what you do," "focus on your side projects," "nerd out," and generally "hustle," drives me batty. It is 100% fine to be here purely for the 💰. 🧵 The last time I owned a computer that was not provided by work was about 20 years ago. I have never had a side project. My hobbies have nothing to do with technology.
Feb 17, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
The politics around Istio and Knative within Google are fascinating. AFAICT from the outside, they are primarily driven by a few execs who believe that Google "gave away the farm" when they moved K8s into a foundation. A few of my thoughts on this subject: 🧵 People frequently conflate "open governance" and "neutral IP ownership." It depends greatly on the foundation, but in the case of the CNCF, there are literally zero governance requirements enforced on projects. CNCF projects can be (and are) single vendor governed.
Nov 23, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
Some thoughts from this year's #kubecon now that I am back in ☁️ city and have decompressed a bit. (Thread) The stable of CNCF technologies is maturing, but they are still primarily building blocks. End users are struggling to figure how to put them together in useful ways, and often end up inheriting complexity they don't need.
Jun 23, 2019 13 tweets 2 min read
A thread on "service meshes" and distributed system software complexity in general. Buckle up! Our industry tends to fetishize the technical architectures of companies like Google, Netflix, etc. They have built some impressive tech to solve rare scaling issues, so this is not surprising. However, does your company/system need similar solutions? Probably not...
May 19, 2019 19 tweets 4 min read
Last week I sat for an internal interview about my career progression to high level IC engineer, with a focus on how I've never felt I needed to become a manager to gain influence. I thought I would share some of my career advice for aspiring IC "lifers." Thread! When asked for IC career advice the first thing I always say is: YOU grow your career and influence. Not management, not the company, YOU. This means constantly advocating for ways to grow: subjects to learn, projects with increased scope, and sometimes new teams or companies.
Apr 23, 2019 17 tweets 3 min read
Ok the quiet period is over so welcome to my thread on "high" levels of ☁️ spending. There has been a lot of coverage lately on how much 💰 companies are spending on public cloud. Lyft, > 10M per month, Apple > 30M per month, etc. This seems like a ton of 💰 right? Clearly all of these companies can do better in-house, right? Wrong!
Mar 17, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
One more thought on @skamille's post. She posits that some of the best projects have come out of non-"pure tech" companies. I think this is correct, and I agree with her reasoning: tight focus, internal customer obsession, and a big enough team to make a bet. 1/ However, one thing that I have noticed is that there seems to be a sweet spot on team size in which this type of creation becomes possible at a non-"pure tech" company. 2/
Oct 10, 2018 12 tweets 2 min read
Been having a lot of conversations about distributed tracing lately and whether the products that exist today (either OSS or propriety) provide enough value to justify the implementation costs. My answer: the costs are not justified and most orgs should not deploy. (Thread) Let me be completely clear: I think the data that tracing systems provide is invaluable. The issue is that the current state of the art UIs do not expose this data in a way that is useful to the average developer.
Aug 23, 2018 14 tweets 3 min read
Great article by Paul as usual. Although I think we differ in opinion on the effectiveness of open core, I largely agree with his points. Fundamentally, FOSS is not actually free. The 💰 must come from somewhere. I would like to clarify my point from my previous thread though. I'm not suggesting that all OSS should be foundation funded. I agree that most successful OSS starts with VC, search, iPhone, ride share, etc. funding. Envoy would not exist without it.
Apr 13, 2018 11 tweets 2 min read
Let me tell you about the time that I (indirectly) logged out about 40M Android users from @Twitter with a single character bug. They couldn't log back on for several hours, and the follow on impact on logged in users was ... not great. In 2013 I wrote out the HTTP Date header using strftime() in Twitter's new edge proxy. Instead of using %Y for the year, I used %G. I can't really say why, probably because it comes first in the man page.
Mar 2, 2018 12 tweets 3 min read
As horrendous as I find Go as a language (🔥), it's runtime performance is very good, especially for a GC language. Where I've seen it fall short is when context switching between many goroutines, as one would do with many connections in a proxy. Perhaps this is better now. Ultimately Go has been great for @lyft and as with many choices in technology I think it's the least bad option for a general purpose programming language right now. I'm happy we went with it as our Python replacement.