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Sep 18, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read
6 on the run and in hiding. The DOJ is desperate no one finds them, they sent @Mashinsky's legal team over 5 MILLION pages of claptrap, hoping to bury his defense in hearsay by sheer volume.

We have a highly coordinated effort to manage, manipulate, or conceal key financial Image and operational activities, especially related to the $CEL token.

But they produced 5 million pages, and not one interview with any of these suspects under oath.

They're not just any employees, they are the top executives in their roles. Image
Feb 6, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
19 months, thousands of experts, hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars, for what? A $5M+ paycheck for himself!

MILLIONS missing, destroyed 100K CEL holders. FAILED in a NewCo. Ending up as a shell company to Hut 8, with worthless shares, and no obligations.

Pure thievery. Image Months and months of negations for distributions, whilst we pay for a working app. Months and moths of negotiations, to fail the NewCo, fail in maximizing value of $CEL holders, lost over $400M in legal fees. Lies, and lies and lies and lies about our financial situation.
Feb 5, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
2 minutes on Google: This is Hut 8 taking a $50M loan to stay operational in June 2023, from Coinbase Credit.

Yes, Coinbase, the selected distributor of our liquid assets.… Here is Hut 8 a few months later, all cashed up, placing a bid for approx $40M ~$60M (Uneducated guess) for 310MV of fossilized energy.

Oct 10, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
On October 2, the judge said to @otisa502: "

"The price on the petition date, if it was manipulated, does not reflect the value of the CEL token on the petition date.

If you have a witness who is going to testify to give an opinion on value, I’ll certainly listen to that. It will be subject to any objections or anything. But if you have a witness, I gave a deadline for anyone objecting to confirmation to submit written testimony supporting that position. "

We now have an expert witness, but the time frame to get an expert witness has passed. Image
Aug 22, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
A bit disappointing to see how this has played out, and how we have been gamed by the court. 56% of creditors have been deprived of a full recovery by the shenanigans played out in Glenn's court.

The announced date to deliberate #CEL81:

THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 2023, 10:00AM Image 1 hour and 59 minutes before midnight (12:00 AM) from the 48-hour deadline, K&E submitted for an extension and got it.


22-10964-mg Doc 3219 Filed 08/08/23 Entered 08/08/23 22:01:15 Main Document = 10:01 PM
Jun 29, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
You can drift an oil tanker through the gaps in this person's logic.

For 50+ minutes, he chainsaws through a waffle of rhetoric that levels mountains, but in this segment he straight up; time travels.

via @YouTube "The other is the cell token kind of, I guess that's the next big battle which, Judge Glenn kind of recognized today."

Makes it sounds like he's only just heard about it, when he's been terrorizing the community with the regulatory crap for 12 months.

Doing the hard sell👇🏽
May 27, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Attention @CelsiusUcc there is an unregulated offshore platform, soliciting unlicensed services to #Celsius creditors.

Are you not concerned? ImageImage Cause & effect;

28th of Oct 2022 makes unfounded and obscure references to regulatory licensing.

46 days later, he boasts that 700+ #Celsius creditors believed his promises for those licenses and compliance and put their claims on BTTF.

They believed him and signed up.
May 26, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
You did nothing, there is NOT one Stretto document that list anything you have done. You have been caught lying and gaslighting the #Celsius community for 11 months, and of that there is ample evidence.

He is now telling you he is so important that he needs to sit at the table. Image With his insolvent, unregulated, unlicensed offshore BTTF. He wants to sit at the table that decides the future of your equity.

We are here because of Judge Glenn and the Ch 11 process, not because of Dixon.
Mar 7, 2023 28 tweets 10 min read
I've not removed funds from #Celsius, since early 2021.

I completely, reject this insidious and threatening legal over-reach. The committee's and its council's job, is to protect creditors, not set the dogs on them!

This gives precedent to attack other #Celsius creditors. You don't protect creditors by attacking other creditors. (ponzi)

If it happens once, it will happen again. (if one asset is revalued, others will follow)

Kelvin showed there is no need for clawbacks, therefore this is a calculated legal maneuver. (precedent)
Mar 6, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
You hear that creditors, the kid has scored big, or so he thinks... He provides a couple of screenies for proof.
Mar 5, 2023 34 tweets 11 min read
While it's CEO is busy gaslighting #Celsius creditors, a reminder of what BTTF is:

WTF is a BNK TO THE FUTURE, a bAnk with no A in its name?

Here's the crash course: Apparently he's going around suggesting that BTTF is choicer than Wulfy. He was saying something about available liquidity, and he's been busy making fun of the #HASH token.

So it sounds like he's saying that BTTF and its mighty BFT token, are a better choice.
Mar 5, 2023 13 tweets 7 min read
@Silkee_D response to a creditor's question was to like, a reply to the original question:

This one So if I follow this in a line, you liked Santiago's reply to Keith's conclusions, as follows;
Mar 3, 2023 13 tweets 6 min read
He's advocating that innocent retail users who bought #CEL be punished, while he has total rights to everything they also contributed to.

Every #Celsius creditor, contributed to the overall wealth of every other #Celsius creditor.

He's organizing to steal from some of them. Remember this, the next time he is given the mic by the @CelsisuUCC during town halls. Remember also, this person has legal representation, but the UCC keeps giving him the mic.

4 times so far, that's already 90% more than ANY other creditor.

What's up with that @CelsiusUCC?