Meg Chiswell Profile picture
Health professional I Educator I Learner I Cancer Information and Support I Communication in Healthcare I Aust tEACH rep. I views my own
May 24, 2020 8 tweets 6 min read
Some reflections & tips on delivering workshops to health professionals online via interactive webinar. @OCPHDeakin
A thread.
Ask participants join 5-10 minutes early. A welcome slide may reassure those less confident with the tech that they are in the right place. #ZoomMedEd 1/ Image Structure1 Explain how the workshop will be delivered including tools in the software,where to find them & how to use them. Create an icebreaker that builds group rapport & asks learners to test the tools. This will save time & ensure all can participate.@DeakinMedicine #MedEd 2/ Image