National Tea Party movement co-founder • Former @WhiteHouse speechwriter to POTUS and @Heritage policy analyst • @UnivMiami graduate • U.S. cell: (609) 670-8142
2 subscribers
Mar 24 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
On Russia:
1. In final years of the Cold War, as a leading proponent of the Reagan Doctrine, I distinctly remember a moment in 1989 when many of us began to conclude that the doctrine was proving so effectual that the entire Soviet empire faced a realistic prospect of collapse;
2. I then recall our internal discussions shifting quickly to a new question:
What do we now do to ensure that the Kremlin, facing an imminent collapse of its empire and with little to lose, does not lash out with a final kinetic burst of military aggression against the West?
Feb 11 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
The policy and legal issues associated with the @USTreasury are as simple as they are outrageous.
Seven facts:
1. Article II of our constitution clearly empowers @POTUS and his executive branch designees alone with managing the executive branch, which includes routine audits;
2. In the preliminary stages of an audit being conducted in accordance with POTUS' directive, $100B in annual payments with no associated SSN or other recipient identification, as exists with other Treasury outlays, were identified.
This should alarm all;
Feb 8, 2023 • 19 tweets • 5 min read
Let me share some of the themes I mentioned to media around the world tonight regarding the #SOTU of the most failed POTUS in our lifetimes:
1. By my count, Biden went about an hour before even mentioning two of the most significant crises confronting the nation: The open
border, which is entirely Biden's innovation and creation and has invited a crisis in which 4.5M aliens from all over the world, including those on the terror watch list, with violent criminal histories, violent gang members, human and drug traffickers, and record levels of
Jun 17, 2022 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
In April '09, in a similarly desperate political climate, I was among several who promised our #TeaParty movement would take back the nation.
A mere 19 months later:
The historic Tea Party revolution with a 63 seat GOP gain in the House, the largest political shift since 1894.
Understanding the #TeaParty revolution of '10 is vital because it demonstrates what we can do together.
In five months, in 435 House races, some featuring candidates I have known for years, I believe we are poised again for historic gains, possibly even exceeding those of '10.
Apr 5, 2022 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
I believe we now must prepare to confront what I see as a final assault on American sovereignty and freedom, and I need your support.
Our enemies, China's Communist Party and the global reset cabal they control, believe this precise moment is ideal for this final assault on us.
Our enemies see what I too have seen: Our movement to defend America is not sufficiently serious. It is comprised of organizations and individuals whose goal is to profit from their play-by-play coverage of our national demise. We have not held them accountable, and they failed.
Nov 14, 2020 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
In 35 years in government, public policy, and industry, I've been bold but dedicated to truth.
In the mid-80s, I told you that our Reagan Doctrine initiatives in #Afghanistan, #Angola, #Cambodia, #Nicaragua, etc. would ultimately bring down the entire Soviet Union, and they did.
In the Bush 41 @WhiteHouse, I warned that betraying or deviating from the #Reagan#conservative legacy would lead to our defeat in 1992, which it sadly did.