eva comrie Profile picture
Lawyer,LBK amputee, bionic, with a titanium spine; immortal, rejuvenated by instalments. #TASP
Jul 25, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
1. Police officers are human; sometimes they get it right; other times they are wrong. We all make mistakes. What matters is context. None of us should judge without knowing the complete picture. Social media is sensational more than it is accurate. 2. A while ago when I still did criminal law there was a trial for a client who was accused of breaking bail and threatening a witness in the hallway of the court
Feb 14, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
1. an example of 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿today - a man serving a prison sentence, doing all he is required to do, fulfilling all requirements, so much so that he will get an early release. He needs a lawyer as he's subject to an eviction case. He can't get a lawyer as they don't want to work for 2. what is in effect less than minimum wage. Citizens Advice cannot help and homeless charities are too overwhelmed so have no capacity to offer.
Jan 14, 2023 16 tweets 18 min read
@AlbaParty @TasminaSheikh apologises for the late start which was necessary to enable extra seating for the increased numbers keen to hear @AlexSalmond on #ScotlandsWayForward @AlbaParty @TasminaSheikh @AlexSalmond 1. A constitutional convention provides legitimacy as has been recognised internationally
Dec 20, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
1. Despite the best efforts of police & social workers, predators, including those on the sex offenders register, always manage to find & target the most vulnerable. That's no dog whistle; it's recognition that predators take advantage of loopholes. 2. All those who are vulnerable deserve the best protection our laws and lawmakers can give; an open door with no checks, balances or safeguards is not it.
Dec 16, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
The mighty ⁦@yvonneridley⁩ and I will display the courage of our convictions next week #WomenWontWheesht Image 2. We remember the fight for women's rights. We know about the campaign to ensure that marital rape became criminal - only in 1989 was this achieved.
Oct 21, 2022 17 tweets 9 min read
Heading to this now; looking forward to hearing how we expedite #ScottishIndependence and get the orderly governance we need to recover from the impact of Brexit and Covid. #ALBAforIndependence #WeeAlbaBook roadshow continues in Aberdeen with the mighty @yvonneridley explaining what brought her to Scotland to pursue #ScottishIndependence with @AlbaParty
Apr 7, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
I am not a politician first or foremost, but a mother, daughter,partner,neighbour,lawyer. In each of these roles trust, honesty and respect are required. If I pretend to be someone or to want something which is false and am thereby outed as dishonest I expect to lose that trust. In fact my dishonesty deserves that loss. So if as an amateur politician, scunnered with the professionals and their approach, I nod and smile to those of a different Independence supporting party, I expect a nod, an acknowledgement, maybe even a daft wee smile.
Apr 6, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
@AlbaParty policy adopted unanimously at Spring Conference 2022 - part 1 Part 2
Feb 9, 2022 19 tweets 3 min read
A justice minister promoting policies to assist women and children is posturing - he knows his local court ‘functions’ remotely and his local Childrens Panel doesn’t clap eyes on the children it considers because business is conducted by Teams video with limited connectivity And many who have to participate in these hearings have neither the equipment nor funds so to do