Mick Moran Profile picture
Dublin. Blue. Father of 4 cost centres. #Francophile Personal Account. My Views. Kids and ICT. #safetytech. Hangs out in layer 8,9,10. Teacher @UCD
Nov 27, 2020 23 tweets 16 min read
Here's an important thread on a situation that is threatening the lives and well-being of children globally if allowed to continue to it's conclusion. Bear with me -it's complicated but there are things you can do to help at the end.
#childabuse #Privacy #Law #ICT #cybersecurity companies exist to make profit for their shareholders and in a low-regulation environment it's sometimes hard for them to justify expenditure to deal with the dark-side of the human condition because it is the antithesis of line one of this tweet.
Nov 24, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
This sounds like a preferential sexual coersion and extortion crime. Get the kid to share a compromising image through teach or treat strategies then pivot to the threat. The multiplier effects mean on offender can have many 10's or hundreds of victims.

theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/n… The story *should* have been about the horrific nature of the crime, the MO, what you can do to avoid it. Instead it is used by @NCA as an example of how these offenders go dark on law enforcement once end to end encryption goes live on @Facebook messenger
Mar 21, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Dear Ireland,

This is a letter from your future. In France we are locked down. It came gradually but it's getting stricter. Everyday brings new change. It's coming to you within 5 to 20 days. You know why? Because of a reckless neighbour AND YOU ARE NOT TAKING IT SERIOUSLY. Last week social distances and washing your hands. Saturday pubs and restaurants closed, Monday they told us to stay indoors. Yesterday they banned everything but essential travel and closed the borders with surrounding countries. Why? WE WERE NOT TAKING IT SERIOUSLY
Mar 1, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
Sex offenders have been using comments in this way for years and a cynic might suspect that @google are only taking action now because they are losing money. time.com/5541521/youtub… A few years ago a late teen posted a video of herself online as late teens often do. It was a very well made video of a teen doing things that teens do. Innocuous and attractive only to other teens except...