Michael Macagnone Profile picture
Reporter covering Congress and all things census for @cqnow Pitt grad, PA native and Philly fan. michaelmacagnone at https://t.co/7HftHzqRu5 Also on Signal, Proton
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Jul 13, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
NEW: the House Commerce-Justice-Science draft funding bill is out and it's a doozy. In addition to cutting more than $20 billion, it has a grab-bag of conservative priorities. Here's a short list: Under the bill, the DOJ cannot file ANY redistricting lawsuits. Basically blocks any Voting Rights Act enforcement over state redistricting plans.
Apr 4, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Now looks like Jackson will receive 3 (!) GOP votes when she gets her confirmation: Collins, Murkowski and Romney. Only one nominee (Justice Barrett) will have received no votes from the opposite party. Our story in @rollcall is now updated to include the new "yes" votes on Judge Jackson rollcall.com/2022/04/04/com…
Apr 4, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Spotted outside the Capitol: a red fox. I was sitting at a gazebo outside the Russell Senate Office building when this little one came trotting up. Then galloped after a squirrel Anyway, back to Senate Judiciary.
Apr 4, 2022 41 tweets 13 min read
This is the thread for today's Judiciary Committee markup of Judge Ketanji Jackson's nomination to the Supreme Court. A few Senators in the room already, including Cruz, Leahy and Cornyn. The committee vote is likely to split on party lines today, and Democrats plan to conduct a procedural vote today on the floor to bring her nomination out of committee. Background from colleague @ToddRuger here: rollcall.com/2022/03/31/pan…
Nov 30, 2020 40 tweets 7 min read
Supreme Court arguments over #2020census results starting now. Administration starts out arguing to toss the case rather than rule now. Chief Justice Roberts jumps in with first question about the deadline. SG says they're not currently on pace to meet the end of year deadline.