Mike Morrison Profile picture
#betterposter guy | Psychologist, Designer | Making scientists’ tools easier to use |📝UX @curvenote | 🦋https://t.co/sYJjjb9eFY
Mar 25, 2019 13 tweets 13 min read
Let's fix academic posters! Prepping a poster for #SIOP19 and sick of the old "wall-of-text" poster design? Watch this cartoon to see a new, faster approach to designing research posters. Includes templates. #betterposter
Hi all! In case it's helpful, I've added a full-resolution image of the #betterposter template to the OSF repo, so if you'd like you can grab it and post it on your conference website as an example to encourage attendees to try it. osf.io/8ajqs/