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Cora Shaw Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 15, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Got sent this video of my 99-year-old granny dancing to the Superbowl halftime show, and it was a reminder how amazing she is and how lucky I am. Okay, I love so many people are seeing and sharing videos of my granny. I'm so lucky. She turns 100 in August. A few years ago, she started doing stand up comedy, here's a video of her if you want some more granny content.
Apr 10, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
I was in New Brunswick when it switched to orange level. That meant you had to wear a mask outside. The next day, everyone was wearing a mask. No protests. They wouldn’t even serve me in drive-thru without one. To dismiss the east coast’s success is to ignore why it’s working. New Brunswick has a PC government. My lifelong friends wouldn’t see me because I wasn’t in their bubble. If I went out, I had to do it alone. Ontario and Alberta’s failure is due to terrible leadership, and those that enable it by constantly blaming people like Trudeau.
Apr 8, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I have one of these today. Suggestions on how to amuse them please?! Image Thanks for all the suggestions. I went with scratch tickets. Image
Apr 9, 2019 12 tweets 6 min read
He voted against every LGTBQ law for 30 years.
The UCP has candidates who call gay people pedophiles.
The UCP has members who've compared the Pride flag to Nazis.
But now that it might cost him an election, Kenney doesn't want to talk about it?
I got time, so #QueerLetsTalkAB. Kenney was responsible for barring dying AIDS patients in San Francisco from seeing their partners in their last days. And as of last week, still won't apologize for it. #QueerLetsTalkAB thestar.com/opinion/contri…
Apr 9, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
Since the UCP is so scared of gay people, I just wanted to show you what gay people look like. This is me and my boyfriend. We bought and renovated our house. We rescued two animals. We own two companies and each have employees. We are just humans. That's all. It's hard for me to explain how hard this election has been. Every day, I've been forced to explain that we are not pedophiles, we shouldn't be fired for being gay and God doesn't hate us. I'm not sure how attacking gay people helps any economy. thestar.com/edmonton/2019/…
Mar 20, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
You mean the party that has a homophobic leader, no LGTBQ candidates, official anti-gay policies, a member that compared gay people to nazis twice on video, also had a candidate that didn't like Pride parades!? I'm shocked! Shocked I tells you. #ableg Also, I told everyone four months ago that @caylanford sympathized with homophobes. But no one ever believes gay people. I don't know how much more proof you need. Think of the worst things you could say and Kenney has said and done them. That's who he is.
Oct 8, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Where on Earth would racists think they are welcome in the UCP?


Because they literally invite them to come Alberta. I believe @jkenney.

Where would we ever get the idea that the UCP is willing to work with racists.

Oh, I remember:

Calgary UCP hopeful offered support to Instagram page posting racist, anti-Semitic memes thestar.com/calgary/2018/0… via @torontostar