Mike Shinoda Profile picture
ALREADY OVER - OUT NOW | @LinkinPark | @FortMinor | @ZigguratsNFT | https://t.co/9zlrpVAxUa | Text: 310.935.0302 | https://t.co/5vMS2mp3yL
Aug 11, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Will art #AI replace human artists? A couple thoughts about #AIart : Image I studied illustration in college. Just after I graduated, really good, accessible, consumer cameras were starting to get pretty popular. Eventually, cameras on our phones replaced those.
Jan 10, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Wow, everyone sure wants to talk about gaming & NFTs 😂

I wanted to post a follow up to cover a couple corrections and some new thoughts.

This was the original post: While heated discussion was inevitable, some great stuff happened too. Thank you to the devs in gaming and blockchain spaces, and gamers all around for joining.
Jan 8, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Real Saturday convo. I’m surprised by so much negative sentiment by gamers about NFTs. Can we chat?

Of all the applications, gaming is a place that *players* can benefit a LOT from blockchain.

Do they not know yet that there are eco friendly NFTs?

Lets talk, keep it civil! For reference, eco crypto and nft info here:



Feb 6, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
#NFT update. Someone bid $10k USD on my piece (thanks!). And some folks are still confused about what this is. The short answer: an experiment. (more below) It works like an auction; the value is determined by the bidders. At the end, one person gets the NFT. Think of it like like owning a 1 of a kind item in a game, or like “owning” an instagram post. It’s a weird thing to own, yes, but:
Feb 6, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
The #NFT I posted will be (must be, by design) 1 of 1. What you own: the file (art?) I uploaded on the zora.co platform. I can’t upload that file again. You don’t own the “song” or “master” or “copyright,” but you own the file. For example,
(1/4) if I write an original lyric on a piece of paper, I own that lyric. If you buy that piece of paper, you own that paper. And it is one-of-a-kind. In this case, you get a certificate of authenticity via blockchain that you are the sole owner. (Experts, did i get it right?)
Jan 18, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Some thoughts for people thinking of participating in #ShinodaProduceMe — or just writing songs in general (thread) First, regarding #ShinodaProduceMe: This project is for new / aspiring songwriters and singers. No covers, no instrumentals please. OK, now for some tips: